And a Global 7500 😄
The windows 😍😍😍😍
KRIL sent to official review 🥳
Figuring out which airport I’ll take next! Somewhere either in Washington or Oregon because I gotta contribute to Project PNW.
Spokane is kinda big for me right now. Olympia would be fun but I have another airport in mind in the San Juans or another near @Prestoni 😉.
Next Airport Announcement
After finishing Rifle, my next airport will be Stark’s Twin Oaks Airport in Hillsboro, Oregon! This project will contribute to my new Project PNW, but it’s also one of @Prestoni’s home airports!
Let’s start this new airport!
Stark’s Twin Oaks
Here’s the first WIP shot of Twin Oaks, the 2D rework has begun! Subject to change.
(Note: The hold short bars at 7S3 are an odd design. Right now, I’ve made them edge lines as that is the closest match to the IRL image, but I might have to change this as it sometimes isn’t allowed).
😍😍😍 Thanks for working on it!
@Ryan_15 Summon
Thankfully one of the new 3D items is a silo so it’ll add some charm to the airport with those 3 silos on the east side.
With so many general aviation, airports being built, we really need a SR22T rework and a light twin added like the G58 Barron or DA-62
Love how you made the road behind it. I go on it when I go golfing
we need that BONANZA!!!
a vintage v-tail bonanza would be awesome.
G36 Bonanza with the G1000 is one of my dream planes to own one day
Me too. When I was younger I used to fly in this vintage Bonanza out of 0S9, that’s the whole reason I edited it in IF. The reg. was N2721T. Absolutely beautiful plane.
Unfortunately now the plane belongs to a different owner and hasn’t been back to Jefferson County since.
Oh boy…the Bonanza rabbit hole. What variant? Which engine? How many side windows? Propeller blades? Do you want tip tanks? Considering just how long Beechcraft had the 35 in production and how much evolved over that time span, even a relatively minor selection of Bonanzas would be an undertaking on par with a widebody rework. And that’s not even accounting for the 33 Debonair (33 Bonanza after 1967) and the 36 Bonanza, one variant of which has a longer wing than the rest (B36TC, which is pretty much a single-engine 58 Baron).
If we could just get a G36 I’d be happy.
KPWT, KBLI, KFHR, S21, and KSGU have ALL been released!
My excitement is through the freakin roof you guys! This is an amazing update. Enjoy!**
Some more airports I had to mention were KPDX, KPAE, KBFI, PHKO (@BLee 🥳), and KTUS.
Im flying all day