RedWolf's Airport Editing Thread

Welcome to my airport editing thread! Here, you can see the current airports I’m making and their status!


Escalante Municipal Airport, UT (IL7) - Released ✅

Jefferson County International Airport, WA (0S9) - Released ✅

Wenatchee Pangborn Memorial Airport, WA (KEAT) - Released ✅

St. George Regional Airport, UT (KSGU) (Collab with @United403) - Released ✅
Main topic

Sunriver Resort, OR (S21) - Released ✅

Friday Harbor Airport, WA (KFHR) - Released ✅

Bellingham International Airport, WA (KBLI) - Released ✅

Bremerton National Airport, WA (KPWT) - Released ✅

Rifle Garfield County Airport, CO (KRIL) - Released ✅

Stark’s Twin Oaks Airpark, OR (7S3) - Released ✅

Lake Wenatchee Airport, WA (27W) - Released ✅

Tacoma Narrows Airport, WA (KTIW) - Work in progress 🏗️

Johnson Creek Airport, ID (3U2) - Under review 📋

If you have any questions or would like some extra WIP shots please DM me!


S21 WIP shots!


I’ve watched countless GA and private jet aircraft land and takeoff there over the years, nice to see it get some attention!


Cant wait for KEAT!!

like for the cat

emmmm,i love them

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More S21 houses are ready!



S21 is about to be sent for official review. With that, I’m starting a new airport. So, I’ve selected two C208 powerhouses that will go up in a vote tomorrow to decide which airport I’ll work on. Hope you guys will enjoy.


Ooo cant wait!!

Hello all! I’m planning to send S21 to an official review tomorrow. With that, I’m starting a new airport. With the news of the new C208, I’ve decided between 2 Caravan powerhouses, Orcas Island (KORS) and Friday Harbor (KFHR). Both are in the San Juans in Washington, and as I said, are mainly used by Kenmore Air Caravans! If you’d like to vote which airport I’ll do between those two, please do so! Please do note that KFHR does have slightly more Caravan ops whilst KORS has more fun terrain. You decide!

Orcas Island Airport: Orcas Island Airport - Wikipedia

Friday Harbor Airport: Friday Harbor Airport - Wikipedia

  • Friday Harbor (KFHR)

  • Orcas Island (KORS)

0 voters

Voting ends at 0400Z

Hope y’all don’t mind if I bump this topic 😂

Bumping one more time in the last 2 hours of the vote!

And with that, voting has now closed. And I’m excited to say, my next airport will be FRIDAY HARBOR!

Will try and get started on Friday. Thanks to all who voted and I’m excited to get to work on FRD. I’ll keep you posted!

Cant wait such a beautiful little airport!

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Work on FHR is beginning! I’m so excited to get this beauty of an airport worked on and finished sometime in the next month or two. Hope you guys will enjoy it! I’ll share WIPs on here too.


Just like that, the 2D rework for Friday Harbor has already been finished 🤗.


FHR’s terminal is complete!

(Subject to change)


Wow! Is there going to be a fence between the car park and the terminals?

Yup! That’ll be added at the very end of my editing once all the buildings are done.

Oh ok. Cool (10char)