Reaching expert server

Does anyone know how to reach expert server in a short period ie about one month? Please be specific, I want to fly group flights and talk to ATC, thanks!


Hi there! It’s awesome to hear you want to be in the ES, group flights and ATC communication are great!

You need 100 landings, 50 hours of flight time, and 50000 XP. To get the hours and XP quickly, you can do long haul flights to “nowhere”, where you are just in the air for 20 hours and rack up lots of XP.

To get landings and XP, you can also do pattern work at an airport. I’ve gotten 100 landings in an hour before!

I hope this helps. I hope I see you on the Expert Server soon!



In addition to Delta’s tips, which are great to reach the ES quickly, I’ve got some other tips, which may be useful.

It’s understandable you’d like to reach the ES as soon as possible because it’s where all the fun happens (most of the Events and Group Flights, as you noticed, are hosted there; as well as qualified ATC controllers who know what they’re doing), however, joining too quickly may be an issue. Try to get some experience by flying and communicating with the ATC (even though it’s not the best on the Training Server), as well as reading through the guides of Infinite Flight if you haven’t already. This way, you won’t be caught off guard and unprepared by the ES world, which can be for sure a lot of fun, but at the same time, it is a whole different world than the Casual and Training Servers.

By doing this (= gaining experience without expediting too much the process), not only will you avoid warnings and violations by the IFATC controllers, but you will also have a better and more realistic experience, for yourself and everyone around you (both pilots and controllers). A bad pilot on the ES, who doesn’t follow the rules and doesn’t fly properly, is the last thing you’d like to see, otherwise, you’ll have a worse experience :)

That said, good luck with reaching the Expert Server! As I said above, it’s a lot of fun because you can fly wherever you want with (mostly) professional pilots and ATC controllers.

See you around!


Yes, Jinco is never wrong! Thanks for highlighting of that information.


i hit expert server in under a week, do like 2 19 hour flights with short flights and do landings with the xcub at lax.

what is xcub?

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Thank you all for the information! Hope to see you all soon!

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Hi! I’ll attach a picture of the XCub below. In my opinion it’s one of the harder planes to fly, it takes a lot of practice!

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First, read the user guide and make sure you are familiar with ATC procedures and whatnot. It’s very possible to get into the ES without knowing these things so please for everyone else’s experience stay of the ES if you’re not flying professionally. You will probably still have some grinding to do after this and your strategies depend on how boring you are willing for things to be.

The most efficient way is to do some overnight long hauls for the XP/flight time (you can literally fly over an airport for 20 hours then come back and land) then go to the big runway at KEDW in an C172 or something slow like that and fly along it, touching down every 30 seconds and taking back off again. This will rack up landings really quickly. At the end just do a u turn. If you wanna have a little more fun then take a C208 to KDEN and fly in a circle through the runways. Since the north-south facing runways are in pairs you can sidestep them for more landings. This is slower than KEDW though.

All the above will get you to grade 3 very quickly, but please please don’t do that until you are a decent pilot and know how to fly realistically.

My method is to go on casual an do tight patterns

Just take your time please.

  • Do overnight flights as often as you can
  • Do touch and go with light aircraft (I recommend KMEM airport)
  • Fly short flights!

Thankyou for your information, I have been playing msfs2020 for a few months, and I am willing to experience the most realistic flight sim on mobile, so I am pretty good at ATC, cold and darks (start-up), and flying. But thanks anyway!

Thank you all for the replies, hope to see you guys soon in ES!
PS.: can I do overnight flights and set in on A/P and sleep? ;)

A few more questions:
Do I get more XP if I fly harder planes such as XCUB as Brendan_Sparks mentioned and planes like B777 that are large?

Do I also get more if I fly longer, do patterns, and land at harder airports?

Does a notification pop up when I am done with my flight to inform me that I have earned a certain amount of XP, or do I need to go to my profile to check?

Is IF accurate( i.e. It can identify that I have landed and say for example: "Great landing, you have earned 1000 XP " or things like that

That was quite long but thank you all for your patience, experts!

I don’t do that, but yes.
The easiest way for me was to fly an F18 at KLAX and do back-and-forths. A landing a minute. Pretty slow compared to others but I like to do it with that jet more than the GA planes.

I’m unsure if we know exactly how the XP gets calculated, but there’s no notification. You can only keep track of your flight time and landings while flying. You’ll get the XP once you’ve exited the flight.

Hello again!

I’ll try my best to answer your questions below :)

This is what most of the people who do long hauls do. They usually take off in the late evening, put A/P on and come back for the descent, approach and landing during the next morning. However, be extremely careful: you need to be 100% active during critical phases of the flight, such as climb and descent. In fact, you shouldn’t activate VNAV right after you reach cruise altitude, for example, because due to the altitudes in your STAR/Approach, your aircraft will start descending and you can be away, maybe sleeping. So, remember to activate VNAV only 1 minute prior to TOD, when you know you are active and available for the descent. Otherwise, descending without you monitoring this phase of the flight may result in violations, both system or human (= IFATC controllers) generated.

I don’t think this is a thing, but I’m not entirely sure either. I think that’s simply because an aircraft which may be or seem “harder” to you can be the easiest plane for another person. So, who chooses which one is the hardest? It’s a personal thing that changes from one person to another.

Well, the longer you fly, the more XPs you’ll get. However, flying into harder airports is something similar to the previous question, in my opinion. Yes, there are airports which are more challenging than others but once again, it’s more of a personal thing for me.
I tried to find something which may help you understand how XPs work and found the following: XP Algorithm - #11 by Levet.
Despite it being an old topic/reply, it can for sure clear some doubts you may have.

It does, yes! After you end your flight, a “Flight Rating” box will appear, which will specify the stats and everything you earned for the flight you just did. I’ll leave a picture below so you can understand better.

I’m not exactly sure what you mean by that, sorry. But I’ll try to answer anyway.
Infinite Flight won’t tell you “Great landing, you have earned 1000 XP”, no. However, it identifies if you have landed and your stats will be updated. Remember that, as AlexNine99 said above, a landing is counted only every 30 seconds, so you can’t just bounce on the runway to get landings, it won’t work. In addition, you have to land on a runway, not on the grass or taxiways. Check out this topic.

Hopefully, things are clearer now! As I said above, I tried my best to research some sources which could help you understand and answer your questions. Thanks! :)


Cool. I’ve been wondering about that too. So every 30 seconds it is.

Thank you all for the long posts! I am almost G2

I am very excited and touched to have so many people replying (since this is one of my first topics in the community), as you all know I am new to IF, and it’s amazing for IF to have such an official website and community! This is insane for MSFS to have it. Everyone helps others, I absolutely love it! How long does each of you have been playing IF? 😆