Yesterday, I updated Infinite Flight to version 24.4.2 and noticed random frame rate drops during gameplay. I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced a similar issue?
Here are the details of my situation:
- Device: Android - ASUS Zenfone 6 (I01WD)
- Graphics Settings: All set to Low
- The device is not overheating during gameplay.
- I’ve already tried the following troubleshooting steps, but the issue persists:
- Restarting the phone
- Clearing the app cache
- Re-installing the app
- My internal storage still has 25% free space available.
Additional information: this issue also happened on my 2 others device after updated to 24.4.2
*before 24.4.2 I can even use High Graphic without any issues
I’d appreciate any insights, advice, or possible solutions from the community. Thank you in advance for your help!
Hello @Astralis ! You’re definitely not alone. I’ve noticed this as well. Especially when moving the drone cameras these frame drops are very noticeable. On my previous device (iPad air M2) the frames looked smoother than on my new iPad pro M4 which is much more powerful. So I was wondering and asking myself “how is it possible that on a more powerful device the frames are not as smooth on on a less powerful device”. But as soon as I saw your post here I noticed that I’m not the only one and that already made me feel better as I realised that it’s not something to do with my device but probably with the IF 24.4.2 update.
I have the same issue.
Frames cant stand to 30fps. Always do quick drop.
Have S24+ and was working good before update to 24.4
Phew 😅 Thanks for your reply in this thread! Your response really made me feel better. I was worried I might need to get a new device to play IFS in the future. Hopefully, the Devs can resolve this issue as soon as possible!
Is this something that happens in solo?
Can you repro this by selecting an aircraft and simply spawning and sitting at a large airport for a while?
To help us investigating this we need a way to repro it consistently.
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I can confirm. During the first five minutes, I experienced the same issue, but everything went smoothly afterward.
Regarding this, should I do it on Expert or Solo?
currently spawned at EGLL ES
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If your issue means sudden, random, drops in frames in a short period of time, and then everything goes back to normal, then I experience this too. It happens on Solo when I start taxiing. It then goes back to normal.
I faced this issue along the flight since spawn until parked at the destination.
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Oh, no, I just experience a big of lag at the beginning and then it goes back to normal. Sorry.
Could you give me the simplest way to repro what you are experiencing (ideally in Solo) including your device make/model and os version.
Don’t be shy on details (airport spawned at, exact location in airport, aircraft model and livery, graphics settings, camera used when issue happened)
(I know it can be frustrating to provide so many details but it really helps us making sure we can find the root cause)
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Hi Philippe. I play only on solo. It’s been happening before the Max update I believe (can’t remember very well since when, because I just dismissed this as a minor issue). Regarding aircraft and liveries, it happens with all of them whenever I start taxiing. Graphics are all set to medium, FPS locked at 30, it happens in any of my starting airports and everything then goes smoothly till I end my flight. Camera used when this happens is Pilot View with the HUD on. My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S21 with Android 14, with the IF version being 24.4.1.
Hi Philippe, I just fly at IFATC Server for about 18 minutes
Server: IFATC
Aircraft: B38M Alaska
Location: EDDT
Device: Asus Zenfone 6 — Android
Graphic: all high
Camera: all used
Everything went smooth here. No frame drop at all.
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Hi Philippe! I experience this mainly when moving the drone cameras (left right up and down - all directions) and sometimes when moving the camera in the cockpit view. I see this on all aircraft, airports and locations. So when moving the drone camera, it moves in a stuttering motion. It looked smoother on my iPad air which was less powerful than the one I have now
All graphics set to low, 30fps, aircraft count to medium, anti-aliasing off
iPad pro 2024 M4, iOS 18.2
Hi Philippe,
Yesterday I was flying Challenger 350 from Cancun to Miami.
In Cancun, airport was not busy. During taxi, there was some lagging. It was not perfectly smooth. Then it lags more when i was doing my last turn to enter runway.
During flight, you can see that FPS, while always at 30, is quickly changing. You need to focus your eye on the fps to see it quickly blinking and changing.It cant hold at 30. In outside airplane view, if i rotate the view, fps drops to 24-27 then immediately goes back to 30.
Happen in all flights. Before 24.4, i can easily turn the view very very quickly and the fps never leave 30 .
Same on the ground. This is normal for airport like EGLL or KJFK. But on quiet one like Cancun, that was never happening before. Taxi was perfectly smooth.
All settings High
Aircraft Count Medium
@philippe Did the dev team find the root cause of this issue ?
Not yet; the team is taking some family time during the holiday. We will investigate as soon as possible
If framedrops are restricted to 3D airports that have the autopushback feature, I’m sure that it’s somehow tied to it
I used to get 60fps constantly everywhere, but on 3D airports with the auto push back feature it drops my frames to ~50fps ;-;
This happen during flight. Not just at ajrports
@philippe Here is a video showing the issue. I am at cruise level and fps are not stable. Problem appears only in 24.4. I Have same issue on the ground as well
Should I email support for this ? Game performance has been downgraded considerably