I’ve been playing Infinite Flight for 5 years, with a total of at least 13,000 hours of flight time.
I’ve gotten used to those 30kts ‘drift’ turns and the people who maliciously cut in line while queuing.
I can also tolerate those who accidentally enter the runway.
Those who maliciously invade the runway during my final approach, remain stationary on the runway, and only take off after I go around — why are they allowed on the Expert server? And these users don’t even have their IFC accounts linked, so I can’t even report them.
Am I not playing on the “Expert” server?
I need a real “Expert” server.
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completely agree, people like that have a special place in hell
I feel like that’s a little too extreme.
i dont know what you think, but theres nothing i hate more than people intentionally ruining my fun
My personal opinion is that a linked IFC account should be mandatory on the Expert Server.
That’s just my two cents though.
Agree with u
I think rather than expertise, there are a group of people that enjoys trolling by invading runway to force people to go around. I would recommend you to report to a supervisor of IFATC when you spot them next time.
Also “No Anonymous Option” too?
Cause, irl, for driving or flying, is anyone flying anonymously? You literally can get name of those pilots and drivers by registration numbers. All for legal and accountability purposes.
So, if Expert server is meant for realism, so why not ban anonymous options? Since everyone here is anonymous anyways, due to online.
We never moderated user behavior on Expert Server from the IFC, so requiring a linked IFC account wouldn’t help anything with that. If an IFATC Supervisor sees misbehaviour in-app, they can act and report the user. But reporting them to us IFC moderators after the fact… That’s a whole new can of worms with a lot of difficulties as well - capacity being one of them.
The problem with the bar for Expert server is that it has to be a good balance between achievable and reasonable. If the bar is too high, you loose paying customers who get frustrated having to spent days or week on Training Server. and if the bar is too low, you loose paying customers who get frustrated with rule-breaking pilots on Expert Server. There is no easy solution here.
I agree with you that it would be nice to have some sort of solution to deal with problem-pilots when no IFATC or IFATC Supervisor is present; whether that’s an improved warning system, some AI solutions, or whatnot. But it’s not as easy as it sounds.
Just to add to that: One suggestion I often read is to allow all users to report other users. A bit over 3 years ago, the “Report” button in-app was accidentally activated for all users after an update release. This function was misused to such an extent that you cannot imagine it. The amount of false reports we had to remove… Endless. People just reported people for fun. So no - this solution wouldn’t work either.
It might help indirectly - being able to see who it is would allow us to reach out to them and help them - whether they ever take that on board is another problem.
Oh god yeah I remember that. That was chaos.
Maybe what needs to happen is to make both the Training Server & Expert Server “stricter” - both need to have the same set of rules, but perhaps the penalties could be lower on TS?. It would make the Training Server less “frustrating” because then there wouldn’t be pilots acting like it was the Casual Server.
The problem we have is because of the lack of enforced rules on Training Server, outside of speed violations, etc, it means that many pilots upon gaining access to the Expert Server have no idea what they are doing and end up being a nuisance to both other pilots and IFATC.
I also like the sound of some AI system solely managing reports (have the same reports list as on Expert Server) on the Training Server and alongside IFATC on the Expert Server (for example detecting if pilots break separation in situations where it would be preventable).
The point of the Training Server should be to teach pilots how to behave on the Expert Server by having the same set of rules - but having the penalties be lower for “training” purposes.
(And no I’m not suggesting we let anyone who acts as ATC on Training Server be able to report - that would be a disaster).
I agree with you as well, Mandatory for security reasons.
I think that when reporting other users, replay files and other information should also be uploaded, just like when submitting an appeal for violations issued by ATC.
It’s a complicated issue. If you lower the requirements, more people have access but you lose those long time professional pilots. If you make it stricter, you keep the long terms but now you lose the newer users. There really isn’t a good option that keeps everyone engaged and happy.
But I do agree, there needs to be some sort of system. Whether a check ride, enhanced ai reports, trusted pilot reporting or something else.
As ifatc, I love the ability to report. It’s my small way to give back to the community and help maintain good pilots. Typically I will give a follow directions/ check user guide, follow directions or you will be reported and finally a report if the user continues to act in a manner that disrupts service or if they are negatively affecting the enjoyment of other pilots.
A lot of the issue is when there’s no ATC though. When there’s ATC a lot of the “bad pilots” know how to follow and do. It’s when there’s no consequences that the lack of professionalism comes out.
These “bad pilots,” even if reported, will only feel guilty for being caught by ATC, not for the wrong they actually did.
After all,
“Part of criminal doesn’t cry because of regret, but because of the fear of punishment,”
isn’t it?
This is true but at least it gets them off the server for a bit. If you catch enough then you might be gone for up to a year. I suppose they could just make another account but at that point that’s more effort than just learning to fly properly.
Oh i can’t stand when they clear somone to takeoff when im seconds from landing Oooo it infuriates me
@Yaemiko @AndrewWu I can honestly say I was ‘that’ guy. I didn’t take expert server seriously, and didn’t take ATC instructions religiously. Then I got a Level 3 violation for taxiing onto the runway without clearance while someone was trying to land 1-2 miles on final. I made sure during the 1 week I was relegated to read up more on the ATC procedures and the general dos and donts. Made me a better IF pilot and frankly made it fun. Getting kicked out of Expert server for a while was a good thing for me.
Can’t thank @Walter enough for taking the time to look at my replay and explain to me what I did wrong (in addition I also didn’t taxi on the taxiway line and ran into another plane but didn’t get caught) so at the very least I could learn from it.