So we all know when you takeoff and when you get a few miles from the airport the control tells you frequency changed approved then after it’s quiet and your stuck listening to the engine sounds but what if there was a way to add radio chatter in the cockpit so theres something else to listen too there’s a similar thing on xplane not sure how this can be implemented into infinite flight but it would bring realism to the sim and you wouldn’t need to be on any airport frequency like the centers to hear other pilots and controllers talking I know that is already a thing but just when the center is not active we can still communicate with other aircraft.
I’m slightly confused - pilots generally cannot hear radio chatter when they are not tuned to the specific frequency, they can only hear conversations on the frequency they are actively listening to on their radio, meaning if they are not on a particular ATC frequency, they won’t hear the conversations happening on that frequency.
Am I misunderstanding what you are requesting?
So like when your approaching your destination airport you can go on the Unicom frequency but it would be for the center frequency
So even if there are no other actual users on that same unicom frequency, there would be a radio chatter effect - yes?
Yes that’s what I’m getting at because pilots do communicate with each other even thou they are not in a controlled airspace
I see your point now. If pilots can communicate with each other outside of ATC controlled airspace that would be fun 😆
Use LiveATC website for this brub
It’s not available to listen to in a number of countries (e.g. the UK).
Still tho it got the most
It really doesn’t though…
Based off what I’m getting out of this, you basically want an air to air frequency, right?
Or did you mean just a repeating sound track of voice?
Maybe both because everyone is trying to communicate with each other either it’s to pilot to atc or pilot to pilot but just anything other then listening to the engine sounds and this is also a thing where between the North Atlantic there’s a dead zone where all radars go so far and after that the pilots can switch to a frequency to talk to other planes to make sure they are safe enough away or to get out of the way or even just to talk to one another
If you’re playing on a tablet, you can alwyas split screen/picture in picture a movie or video when flying. I usually just listen to music or something on another device, or watch tv. For times that I can’t, and I’m in important phases of flight, I usually like to keep it quiet. Or when I fly with my friends, we do checklists and stuff. Not much time to listen to some noise at that stage in flight, unless it’s from a controller- so I understand what your saying now, but I’m not exactly sure how it would be useful/a good use of time.
Because you would have the ability to talk to other planes new by that are on the same frequency it’s would also be useful if your flying with friends instead of exiting the app to talk to someone then go back then you go back most of the time your game will crash or it will kick you off the server for being idle for too long
So basically what the feature request Anthony linked above is asking for - a frequency to be able to talk to other pilots:
But I’m also just wanting something else to listen to other then just the engines because we all know how it is