Questions about trust levels

Hello! I’m just working: I looked through the requirements for trust level 2 and although in pretty sure I meet all of the requirements I’m not there yet. What’s up with that?



All the info you need is in the topic below. The IFC doesn’t use the default requirements or else people would just post unconstructive discussions to climb the ‘ladder’ if you will.

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Yes, I have read that post actually! However I wasn’t able find the actual requirements for TL2 there. Are they listed anywhere?

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The trust level requirements are something the Staff have decided not to disclose for the reason I outlined above. I’ll quote Seb here…

“…we don’t want you to blindly stare at requirements just so you can reach the next trust level. As you know, we’re always on about how we want productive topics, topics that inspires great discussions. Just posting aiming to reach the requirements for the next trust level, will most likely not end up with productive posts.”


That makes a lot of sense. I’m asking because I plan to go planespotting next weekend and I would like to post the images but obv the RWA and Spotting categories are locked until TL2 :(

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You can just keep them for a later date. Takes a while to edit everything anyways. Have fun spotting!


Take your time you’ll get there in no time complaining about not being at a certain level doesn’t make you level up any faster if anything they could lock you at your current level but that’s super rare have fun


Thank you all for the advice; would you be able to tell me if I’m at least close?


Yes you’re close just wait it’ll happen soon


Realistically I’d love to say you are but only the mods know. Just keep contributing! You’re already on a good track by being professional and respectful in my opinion.


I just got to TL2 right now!


See patients is key

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