Question- Unrestricted climb for IF USAF aircraft and Restricted airspace

For ATC and Infinite Flight, I’ve been flying since 2014 in this simulator are unrestricted climbs acknowledged? Just curious since this is a simulator
And real world procedures are as follows for the F-16

Takeoff Roll:
•	Advance the throttle to military power or afterburner, as needed.
•	Maintain centerline alignment and monitor airspeed for rotation speed (typically 140-180 knots depending on weight and configuration).
•	Rotate smoothly to achieve the desired nose-up attitude for liftoff.
3.	Initial Climb:
•	After liftoff, retract landing gear as soon as positive rate of climb is established.
•	Transition to a climb attitude while maintaining airspeed appropriate for the weight and thrust setting.
4.	Unrestricted Climb Execution:
•	Engage afterburner (if not already engaged) and pitch the aircraft to achieve a steep climb angle. This angle may range from 30-60 degrees depending on airspeed, weight, and thrust.
•	Maintain situational awareness of airspeed, altitude, and G-forces.
•	Ensure compliance with airspace restrictions, such as maximum altitude for unrestricted climbs or local noise abatement procedures.

I’ll end it there to keep it short, and my last question is do the Air Force Base and naval bases have separate air traffic control frequencies, As well as on the pro server, respected restricted airspace an example would be Just north of Nellis AFB, as well as the live ammunition range near China Lake

Unrestricted climbs are not necessarily acknowledged in ATC communications, but as long as you’re aware not to cause conflicts with aircraft and stay within the relevant speed limits, you should be fine.


Normally Aerobatics are done By Unrestricted climbs and it’s not allowed and it’s only in Casual you can do Aerobatics and question What Is G-Forces

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It is the gravity for the plane/pilot during manoeuvres.
For example:
If you were on a plane and the plane suddenly pitches up, you will be pushed down into your seat because of the G-Forces.
Hope this helps! :)

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To your unedited post that you deleted G-Force: The gravitational force experienced by an object, which is influenced by its airspeed and the angle of attack.

Thank you for clarifying, Really truly means a lot.

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Thanks a bunch for clarifying, i’ll stick to the casual server for BFM practice and anything regarding Infinite Flight military aircraft.

Just putting it out there - @GLOBAL_AIRFORCE operates exclusively on the Expert Server with Military Aircraft doing the manoeuvres described


Just bear in mind, controllers can give a violation for excessive speed in the airport environment.

The guideline is 350kts.

Personally, I would be wary of doing this at a busy airport, especially not Hubs.

But, as someone who opens military airports on the ES fairly often, I would suggest so long as you kept clear of traffic there would be no issue.

What you have described is not unrealistic, nor is it unprofessional!

Go and enjoy the game! 😄.

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So, if you are under ATC control and below 10000 feet going 350kias+ you will be reported, or if you do aerobatics near the airport, other than that your pretty much free to do whatever you want. (obviously avoiding conflicts with other aircraft aswell)

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Even at Major airport LAX, JFK, KATL KEWR ETC.

i usually don’t mind it at a quiet airport. If you contact center/departure quickly and request a climb to a high alt, sometimes i assume you want this and will give a

“speed at your discretion”
“expedite altitude change”

a bit of a roundabout way to allow it but eh. just be aware some controllers don’t really like it and:

don’t do this at busy airports

just dont exceed mach 1 lol


They’re Literally applied to Training and Expert which means no aerobatics allowed

Thanks that’s helpful I appreciate it.

Thank you! I’ll be attending the F-16 red flag demo at Nellis’s red flag event.

Right but if you’re careful and act in a controlled manner you’ll be fine.

Not to be rude but I’m not inclined to believe anyone about what is and what isn’t aerobatics when said person needs to ask what G-forces are. It’s wise to not assume the answers to a question you may be wrong about.

Will be in the expert server


What are you saying

The event will have ATC or Not but for airshows in expert you can put a TFR in place to prevent conflict also dont get voilations on purpose it also depends how hard you pull aircraft

If you’re operating in a TFR on the expert server, you shouldn’t experience any violation problems related to unrestricted climbs. Obviously, it’s not advised to perform them in commercial airspace and should really only be done on takeoff from airbases or military airports. If you know who will be controlling your airport before you spawn, you can always send them a message on the IFC, letting them know that you would like to request an unrestricted climb on takeoff. At that point, you would simply be cleared direct to your desired altitude. And lastly, always be Ready to level off so that you don’t overshoot your assigned altitude.