Question about lights operation

Do you turn off/on the landing lights 10,000 AGL or 10,000 MSL

It’s 10,000 feet above MSL. That does raise the question - what if you’re at a very high altitude airport above 10K feet MSL? Like Daocheng Yading Airport in Tibet is 14K feet, but you obviously still would use landing lights.

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Yeah that was my question

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You should use landing lights when operating within 10 nautical miles of an airport and below 10,000 feet AGL.

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same applies for the seat beal sign?

So for what it’s worth, there is no rule. The FAA recommends 10,000 feet and 10 miles. That’s it. They don’t even specify MSL or AGL. Individual airlines will have their own policies, but do them whenever you like. Legally, you don’t even need a landing light in the US if you aren’t flying for compensation or hire! They also recommend the landing light be used in areas of reduced visibility, or when flocks of birds are expected; neither is particularly applicable to Infinite Flight.

Obligatory rules may vary by country and all that, but there isn’t much point in thinking too hard about it. Turn it on when it feels reasonable. I mean, it doesn’t even really do anything in Infinite Flight, so not much to worry about really.

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From what I know seatbelt signs can be turned off whenever the air is stable and there is no expected turbulence. I’m sure it changes with policies from airline to airline though.


my logic: landing lights toggled ~10,000ft AAL (above aerodrome level).

an example:

departing/arriving at KDEN, airport elevation is about 5,500ft → landing lights toggled at altitude of 15,500ft

if my flight is remaining below 10,000ft AAL for its duration, then the landing lights stay on. (tho if you don’t like this, a rule of thumb is within 10nm of an airport)