Query_Need assistance

I am a new pilot in Infinite flight skies. I flew many a short and 1 long haul flight. I need help with my grade points. I am still in grade 1 and need to upgrade it. Even I am not getting the ATC contact button as well and I cant play in multiplayer version. The main problem is the landings still shows 0 in my account. Please help me in this issue.

Hi there - welcome to the Infinite Flight Community!

It sounds like you have been flying in Solo Mode, where you don’t gain any XP, landings, etc…towards your Grade and there is also no ATC.

To access multiplayer where you can earn grade stats - click on “MODE” in the bottom right hand corner of the main menu and click the arrow next to “SOLO” - this should then select the Casual Server (as you are Grade 1 this is the only multiplayer server you can access):

You can then select your plane, airport, etc… as normal and click “FLY”.

Once you are Grade 2 and Grade 3, you will gain access to the Training Server and Expert Server respectively:

Training Server will give you access to being an air traffic controller as well as experiencing human ATC.

Expert Server gives you access to experiencing “trained” human ATC as well as “more-professional” (mostly) skies.

If you have any other questions - please ask :)