Pushback Tug Tips Back C208

Device: iPad 10th Generation
Operating system: Latest

When I attached the pushback tug to the C208 yesterday, as soon as the tug spawned in, the plane tipped on its tail before I even started pushing. When I did command it to push, it remained in this state, even when I detached the tug. After I started the engine up, no amount of maneuvering could put the aircraft back on all 3 wheels. I was able to recreate this issue.


Just wanted to do a wheelie 🤣


Stunt plane fr

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I can’t help this, but that turned into a taildragger Cessna


If only there was a tail wheel…


inserts tail wheel


What is your weight set to? I could see this happening with a lot of stuff in aft cargo.

The first occurrence happened when I was flying from DAL-TYR, which is about a 100nm flight. I had only 1 passenger (plus crew) onboard, with maybe 450kg of cargo onboard. My initial thought was excessive weight in aft cargo, so when I went to reproduce it, I did it with a totally empty plane (no passengers, crew, fuel, or cargo), with the same result. Here’s a video of it happening:

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Oh… oh my…

Ha, C208 wanted to become JetBlue at JFK!


Has this happened at multiple airports? Or just this one?

It happened in Dallas and again in Grand Marais (Minnesota)

lol this happend to me with the old cessna 208 @MAviationYT

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What was the wind like?

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maybe it’s a combination of wind + payload, which may be too heavy in the back.

Negligible - if I remember correctly, the winds were maybe 3 knots in Dallas and 5 in Grand Marais when this happened.

Hey. Also playing from an iPad 10. I had exactly the same issue with the tug. But something I also experienced is that sometimes the plane falls through the ground giving stalling and over speeding warnings.
Is it just me or has someone else also experienced this?

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