When I attached the pushback tug to the C208 yesterday, as soon as the tug spawned in, the plane tipped on its tail before I even started pushing. When I did command it to push, it remained in this state, even when I detached the tug. After I started the engine up, no amount of maneuvering could put the aircraft back on all 3 wheels. I was able to recreate this issue.
The first occurrence happened when I was flying from DAL-TYR, which is about a 100nm flight. I had only 1 passenger (plus crew) onboard, with maybe 450kg of cargo onboard. My initial thought was excessive weight in aft cargo, so when I went to reproduce it, I did it with a totally empty plane (no passengers, crew, fuel, or cargo), with the same result. Here’s a video of it happening:
Hey. Also playing from an iPad 10. I had exactly the same issue with the tug. But something I also experienced is that sometimes the plane falls through the ground giving stalling and over speeding warnings.
Is it just me or has someone else also experienced this?