Would like to see EDCG, EDBH and EDAH soon but since I can only request one I would like EDCG
KSRQ, through and through! The perfect little airport nestled on the gulf coast of Florida, beautiful oceans just a mile from the runway… used for mainly ga traffic but has serviced aircraft as big as the 767-400, or even Air Force one! Has a 12 gate terminal with a variety of aircraft and airlines, and so much more! Also I know for sure that @Avaitor1 would def agree with me. It’s a beautiful place, so once again… lets go KSRQ!!!
9 years!? Jeez welcome back!! 😭
Ready for release wow 🤩 what a surprise 😁 made my day. Will be perfect for delivery flights
I wonder if someone if anyone has already been doing KSGU but you could take the honor of being the first one!
Has some nice regional operations out of it, along with KCDC
KSGU is ready for release last I checked. KCDC would be cool since I might be a flight instructor out of that airport in the future
@RedWolf and @United403 Collaborated on it
Buildings for PANC!
How about LPFR
I think IFC will be pleasantly surprised with our work when it eventually gets released!!
While I’m here, I’d love the following to be worked on …
KFNL (Rework)
I have team and I who wants TFFR (PTP) in 3D please
I would like KSKF reworked because not many military bases in Texas are 3D
Trying hard 😂

Trying hard 😂
me or you? I’m just confused by this wording lol
Me, trying hard.
Oh you’re working on PANC?

doing KSGU
Glad to say that airport is ready for release! Possible rework in the coming months…
Hmmmmmm… @United403 😂

Every user should request only 1 airport.
I would 100% want Long Beach in California