Project South East Asia [WIP Photos!]

You sure? Cai Bi hasn’t been touched according to my editor

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Yeah I already knew that considering I’m in Thailand now lol.

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I assigned it. Go check it, you’ll see you cannot edit that airport

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Superb! Thanks for helping to populate SEA guys! Appreciate your efforts! Lets hope the 02R/20L runway 3 at Changi airport will be merged into WSSS frequency too. Just as in real life it is bring used already!

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From what I’ve heard, the editors were have a little trouble merging the two into one. I don’t think it will be merged in-game anytime soon though.

Pls reserve WBSB for me. thanks

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Since this thread practically died in less than a week, I figured I could drop a WIP for you guys.

Phnom Penh International (VDPP), Cambodia

Moon Banana

Neat little terminal

P.S if anyone is wondering why there’s an ITA A320 in Cambodia, it’s because Sky Angkor acquired a few of those bad boys.


Will singapore Seletar airport be included? its a nice airport for GA and private jets and its WIP iinw (would be a great addition once the challenger 350 is out)

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Idk, it’s up to @BP-Aviation

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Hong Kong and Macau is not Southeast Asia. They are located in East Asia

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Can you add Sultan Hasanuddin international airport, Makassar, Indonesia? that airport is like the main Gate/International Hub of Eastern Indonesia + Makassar is my hometown :), it will be very lovely for me, Tysm!

I disagree solely on the fact that the region itself identifies as South East Asia. Which I trust more than Wikipedia.

Wait what is up to me?

Its just a fact not just by Wikipedia…
But we can request the author to make this as Project South/East Asia… so everybody happy. :D


I think it is declared a fact based on your political standing. If you class it as China or still it’s separate region. But let’s not go down that rabbit hole, I was simply answering a previous comment. More than happy to discuss further in pm, but I have already discussed with the author of the post and understand their reasoning to not include.

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I’m actually not sure lol, I think it’s adding WIP photos of WSSL or something.

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Oh, I can not promise that I will be posting WIP shots of Phuket but we shall see. At least not soon as I am currently on holiday.

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I believe that is Project Indonesia you should look at. Welcome to the community!

I also agree that HK is sometimes regarded as part of the “ASEAN” region because of its strong cultural and maritime ties. So ye, go ahead.

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This is