Project Indonesia

Surabaya Juanda Int’l airport is now released in 24.3!

Thanks to @Astralis, @Citrusinabox, @Darmawan, @Starlian for making this airport and making it possible to be Released in 24.3.

Here is the full list of airports in Indonesia that were released as 3D on 24.3

ICAO Airport Name
WAEL Labuha Oesman Sadik
WAFP Poso Kasiguncu
WAHU Dewadaru Airport
WARR Surabaya Juanda Int’l Airport
WARW Bawean Harun Thohir
WASA Maybrat Ayawasi
WASN Marinda Raja Ampat

Hi, I want to ask about sangia nibandera airport, the airport is gone. Is there any editing or rework in progress for that airport??

WAGI (Pangkalan Bun Iskandar Airport)
Here is some Sneak Peek of Iskandar Airport, Pangkalan Bun.
Status : Ready For Release


At this time, there hasn’t been any progress for this airport. Hopefully near future someone can start to make this one in IFS :)


I’ve already informed the staff about the issue. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

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No problem 👌🏼

New Airport Alert: WARD/DHX Dhoho Kediri International Airport

Status: Ready for Release

Attention Pilots:

Please note that there will be no SID/STAR for this airport upon release. I’ve listed the waypoints compatible with Infinite Flight based on real-life charts.

SID approach runway 14/32

  1. BA NDB:

    • Original: 06°59’33.5"S 111°25’08.3"E
    • Altitude: -
    • Flight plan format: 0700S/11125E
  2. RIGPA:

    • Original: 07°09’24"S 111°59’55"E
    • Altitude: -
    • Flight plan format: 0709S/11200E
  3. RIRTA:

    • Original: 07°23’51"S 112°07’56"E
    • Altitude: 7000
    • Flight plan format: 0724S/11208E
  4. ISTAL:

    • Original: 07°28’48"S 112°10’42"E
    • Altitude: 5000
    • Flight plan format: 0729S/11211E
  5. AKBOL:

    • Original: 07°33’48.5"S 111°58’48.6"E
    • Altitude: 4000
    • Flight plan format: 0734S/11159E

Here’s a simplified version for easy copy-pasting:

0700S/11125E 0709S/11200E 0724S/11208E 0729S/11211E 0734S/11159E

Note: After copying the waypoints above, please input the altitude based on the provided information.

STAR approach runway 14

  1. AKBOL:

    • Original: 07°33’48.5"S 111°58’48.6"E
    • Altitude: 4000
    • Flight plan format: 0734S/11159E
  2. RD401:

    • Original: 07°34’24.3"S 111°52’47.8"E
    • Altitude: 3000
    • Flight plan format: 0734S/11153E
  3. RD402:

    • Original: 07°37’36.9"S 111°51’37.2"E
    • Altitude: 2000
    • Flight plan format: 0738S/11152E
  4. RD403:

    • Original: 07°40’29.5"S 111°53’38.8"E
    • Altitude: 1800
    • Flight plan format: 0740S/11154E
  5. RWY14:

    • Original: 07°44’14.50"S 111°56’17.53"E
    • Altitude: 396
    • Flight plan format: 0744S/11156E

Here’s a simplified version for easy copy-pasting:

0734S/11159E 0734S/11153E 0738S/11152E 0740S/11154E 0744S/11156E

Note: After copying the waypoints above, please input the altitude based on the provided information.

SID Departure runway 14

  1. VAGMA:

    • Original: 07°38’41"S 112°14’29"E
    • Altitude: 5000
    • Flight plan format: 0739S/11214E
  2. AMVIM:

    • Original: 07°32’05"S 112°14’46"E
    • Altitude: 7500
    • Flight plan format: 0732S/11215E
  3. LUMSA:

    • Original: 07°27’00"S 112°13’57"E
    • Altitude: 9500
    • Flight plan format: 0727S/11214E
  4. IGNAR:

    • Original: 07°20’16"S 112°12’53"E
    • Altitude: 11500
    • Flight plan format: 0720S/11213E
  5. EKELA:

    • Original: 07°10’57"S 112°14’02"E
    • Altitude: 15000
    • Flight plan format: 0711S/11214E
  6. FUSAL:

    • Original: 06°57’42"S 112°08’21"E
    • Altitude: -
    • Flight plan format: 0658S/11208E
  7. LASEM:

    • Original: 06°37’06"S 111°36’54"E
    • Altitude: -
    • Flight plan format: 0637S/11137E

Here’s a simplified version for easy copy-pasting:

0739S/11214E 0732S/11215E 0727S/11214E 0720S/11213E 0711S/11214E 0658S/11208E 0637S/11137E

Note: After copying the waypoints above, please input the altitude based on the provided information.

STAR approach runway 32

  1. INTOB:

    • Original: 07°49’31.0"S 112°07’38.1"E
    • Altitude: 4000
    • Flight plan format: 0750S/11208E
  2. RD601:

    • Original: 07°51’38.9"S 112°03’04.5"E
    • Altitude: 2500
    • Flight plan format: 0752S/11203E
  3. RD602:

    • Original: 07°49’01.6"S 112°00’25.9"E
    • Altitude: 1800
    • Flight plan format: 0749S/11200E
  4. RD603:

    • Original: 07°46’29.7"S 111°57’52.9"E
    • Altitude: 1290
    • Flight plan format: 0747S/11158E

Here’s a simplified version for easy copy-pasting:

0750S/11208E 0752S/11203E 0749S/11200E 0747S/11158E

Note: After copying the waypoints above, please input the altitude based on the provided information.

SID Departure runway 32

  1. IPGAR:

    • Original: 07°26′14″S 112°17’15"E
    • Altitude: 4000
    • Flight plan format: 0726S/11217E
  2. FUSAL:

    • Original: 06°57’42"S 112°08’21"E
    • Altitude: -
    • Flight plan format: 0658S/11208E
  3. LASEM:

    • Original: 06°37’06"S 111°36’54"E
    • Altitude: -
    • Flight plan format: 0637S/11137E

Here’s a simplified version for easy copy-pasting:

0726S/11217E 0658S/11208E 0637S/11137E

Note: After copying the waypoints above, please input the altitude based on the provided information.

Safe flying!


Hello, I want to ask about:

  1. Upgrading Samarinda Aji Pangeran Tumenggung Airport? Now this Airport has 2 Jetbridges at Gate 1 and 2, and Taxiway B.
  2. Taxiway Light at Taxiway NP1 and NP2 of Jakarta Soekarno Hatta International Airport. Because after Update IF V 24.3, Taxiway Light at Taxiway NP1 and NP2 are not on.
  3. Jetbridges on Yogyakarta International Airport at Gate 4B, 5B, 6B, 7B, and 8B now not compatible for Wide Body. (I don’t know about this right now, because before the v 24.3 update, Jetbridges was compatible with large body aircraft. But after I updated to v 24.3, i remember for test new version of IF, i flew to YIA and Jetbridges not compatible for A330-900neo.
  4. Add taxiway lights to 3D Airports that don’t yet have taxiway lights.
  5. Update AIRAC for Indonesia

And the last one, i asked the developer to make a 3D Airport for:

  1. Tarakan Juwata Airport WAQQ
  2. Tanjung Pandang Buluh Tumbang Airport WIKD
  3. Siborong-boron Silangit Airport WIMN
  4. Sampit Airport WAOS
  5. Nabire Airport WABI
  6. Biak Frans Kaisiepo Airport WABB
  7. Mamuju Tampa Pandang Airport WAFJ

Maybe it could be a suggestion for Indonesia Infinite Flight Developers. Thankyou

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This is out of our control.

This has already been addressed in the 2D rework on WIII. After that, you’ll just need to wait for the next update. Thank you for your understanding!

This has already been addressed and will be fixed in the upcoming update. Thanks for the report!

Most airports in Indonesia don’t have taxiway centerline lights in real life, and in IFAET, we follow the rule of not adding something that don’t exist. Therefore, you shouldn’t expect all airports to have taxiway centerline lights.

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As far as I know, WAQQ is WIP by @Daeng-E. About WABI (edited by @Daeng-E) and WIMN (edited by @Raiii & @SierraHotel) ready for release.


WIKT (H.A.S Hanandjoeddin Airport Tanjung Pandan)
Here is some WIP of Tanjung Pandan Airport


New to this and glad to find this project. Home away from home :)


Welcome aboard🤙🏽


I was wondering how come Kuala Lumpur WMKK has been done as yet?

Hello! Kuala lumpur is in Malaysia and not in indonesia🙃


Ya don’t say…I thought it was in India…oh well

Then why put it in an Indonesian thread 😭

Then direct me to the ASIAN thread 😭😂