VOCI’s Terminal 1 is quite tricky to make, so thats probably what’s holding it up. Also, Monty’s been busy for the last little bit.
Well there are several major airports in it that aren’t 3D yet.
soon come hopefully
Airports in IFS are NOT selected logically. If one were to follow logic in India we’d have VIDP, VABB, VECC, VOBL, VOHS, VOMM etc first. But the choice for 3D airports is left up to an airport editor. Which is not entirely bad in my opinion (as people can practice on smaller airports before moving on to bigger ones), but we end up seeing so many smaller airports that are hardly ever used. I offered to supply 3D models for the whole of VOBL, but no one from the IFS team seemed remotely interested. I even applied to be an airport editor, but even that’s closed now. There’s people who applied 1-2 years ago and are still waiting.
Ive had experience designing and editing airports in FSX and FSX:SE. But alas that’s of no use.
I definitely agree that it takes a really long time to get into IFAET. I applied quite some time ago, probably around the time when they first gave us the option to apply. It took easily more than a year for them to accept me. This long wait is one of the hindrances in airport editing, as people lose interest over time. I mean, few would start editing airports, especially smaller ones, after a 1-2 year wait. Ig I’m still a part of airport editing team but not really interested to invest time anymore maybe in the future :)
Yeah same here, in fact progress with IFS is slow in every aspect. I was quite vocally supportive of the developers at first, but it’s been a long time. Currently the lack of new liveries, the low quality ground textures, the low quality 2D airports, slow acceptance for airport editing, lack of better lighting effects are putting me off. I rarely fly now. And it’s the we’re always right attitude of the developers that’s even more annoying.
From the time I submitted my application for airport editing till now, I would have easily done 3-4 airports. The airports I wanted to do have been picked up by people and progress is slow (not their fault, they have lives to live and multiple airports to do). My offer for free 3D CAD for airports was met with silence from the IFS devs. Though many members loved it.
Probably for similar reasons to it taking us almost 3 years to get Melbourne and Narita.
Editors are not choosing large airports like VOCI because staff members restrict new team members to smaller airports. When we join, we are asked to select smaller airports, and once we start, we find the system complex and challenging. Editing requires importing satellite imagery from SAS, which many editors find inconvenient or difficult. Although there is a procedure to request imagery, the import process often fails or the imagery is unclear.
Even when the import is successful, working with the scenery remains challenging. Editing 2D elements like taxiways and aprons is easier, but the 3D aspects require more imagination and dedication. Without completing smaller airports, we are not allowed to edit larger ones. Many editors stop due to real-life responsibilities, boredom, or the lack of suitable technology like larger screen mobile phones, which are necessary for detailed work.
In conclusion, editing airports, even smaller ones, demands a lot of dedication, hard work, imagination, and a good device.
Any wip pics of VOMM? How’s the progress? Really excited to see your hard work!
It’s finally here :)
Awesome…. Now all I need is VOBL from @Monty and VOGO and VOMM
Let’s gooooo!!
Hello MJMN any idea about VOGA. Mopa
Not in progress
A quick update, VAKS is also completed. Now moving on to Daman airport.
Any update about VOBL……?
Please forgive me if I’m being rude or inconsiderate, but I have to ask: if @Monty is so busy with his personal commitments or whatever that he isn’t able to devote enough time towards editing VOBL and VOCI, why can’t those airports be passed to other editors? I’m sure there are lots of other eligible editors who would love to work on those airports and we would also get the airport in an earlier update.
This is not rude to ask, but the question I believe has been answered several times in the past.
Airport assignments are personal, and there is a certain number of editors willing to work alone on their airport. As might be the case with Monty. Collaborating with another editors can be a bit frustrating, you can lose your work if it is overwritten, and some editors are way quicker and more efficient alone.
Furthermore, as he was the first editor to gain access to VOBL he has the right to chose whether or not someone else assists him. I’ll add that 5 months of inactivity isn’t that much. As reviewers we will look for new editors after a year maybe (probably sooner for VOBL as it is highly requested) as we agree that airports staying quiet for a while aren’t ideal. You simply need to understand that people have lives and the airport editing is done by volunteers. VOBL will come eventually.
It is not disappointing, you had the wrong expectations. This is also why we don’t encourage sharing airports’ status in public. You said in your message that no work had been done for the past 5 months… this is not information you should share unless Monty gave you written approval. Please refer back to the Announcement made on January 22nd by the IFAET discord.
Alright, I understand. Thank you for clarifying.
When are you planning to start, VOGA airport is a very interesting airport. Please inform me of any latest updates on VOGA. Thank you.