Welcome to the southernmost & most incredible island airport of China!! :D
It’s currently ready for review 🎉✌️
Welcome to the southernmost & most incredible island airport of China!! :D
It’s currently ready for review 🎉✌️
I can’t wait to experience these airports! Exploring those small airports in China is no doubt a kind of pleasure. As a frequent flyer, I’m very grateful for your production!
Would love to see some more Chinese liveries added to IF for these Beautiful Airports!
Today marks my 1 year anniversary of joining the scenery editing team, and I am excited to share my latest works!
now Ready For Release
Can you guess the airport? 😉
Vo Kao! Great work! 🤩
What a big and can’t wait for surprise, keep up the good work, and look forward to more high-quality airports from you!
Project China Niu bi !!!
BLee Niu Bi !!!
That’s all I can say:“卧槽,NB!!”
Glad to have you on board! 🍻
Awesome works Blee!! :D
No words could describe how legend it is
Sansha Yongxing Airport is ready for release! 🎉
Join us as we are about to explore the pretty Southern Sea scenery of China together!
As a person who’s native land is a small county of Jingzhou, I greatly appreciate this. Thanks, it looks womderful!!!
Lots of airports from Hubei this update!
Oh, my God! It’s Sansha Airport! I can’t wait to experience it! It’s one of the airports I’ve been to, and it’s the southernmost airport in China that can by commercial flights where tickets can be purchased directly. (Of course you need letters of recommendation to get there and before you buy a ticket.)
Oh cool! :D
10+ Airports ready!Can’t wait to see them in the next version!
Must be RCSS, this is so surprising!
Hopefully with this and Chengdu being ready, we can get another Chinese widebody to go with it coughcough Sichuan A350/China Eastern 777-300ER/China Southern 777-300ER/787-9 coughcough
mainly waiting for sichuan A350 panda liveries, spotted them at CTU. Those pandas are soooo cute!!!
Taipei songshan?