Problems with the ATC

Hello, I’m writing this bc some minutes ago, the KEWR ATC disconnected me due to I wasn´t connecting to the frequency, but the thing is that I couldn´t see any frequency. So I’m writing this to that ATC, I’m sorry if I bothered you, it was not my intention, I was trying to find your ID to talk to you, but I didn´t find it. (The ATC I’m talking about was connected at KEWR at 21:45 ZULU)

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Do you remember how far you were from the airport?

Frequencies appears at a certain range around the airport so maybe that’s why you were not seeing them.

You can extend a bit that range by clicking on the airport on the map and selecting the frequency from there.

Just a little trick FYI

I was on short final when he called me the first time, so when I didn´t see the frequency I took the decission to go around to solve the problem but it never showed the frequency

Unable to see/tune into certain ATC frequencies

Was it similar to this?