Problems with the 777-300 fuel

The wind was even shaking the 777-300 a little

In case of a headwind the air distance becomes greater than the ground distance and more fuel is consumed.
Simbrief take winds into account when calculating fuel.

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I have had the exact same problem a long while ago.
I was a heavy 77W (LAX-HKG) and immediately climbed to FL420, which resulted in my fuel running out quickly, and I eventually ran out of fuel. I had 100% fuel.
FL360 is still pretty high for a heavy 77W, I would recommend step climbing.
PS. I did have some headwinds, but not an extra 7h flight time :)

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This couldnā€™t be due to load or winds or cruise, the plane would just loose a couple hours of fuel, where you by chance dumping fuel?

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Noā€¦ I was not
I was a noob at those times. Climbing to FL420 at 100% load is deadly. I was using 109% N1 during half of the route till I got lighter.

If I was dumping, I wouldnā€™t make it to Japan :) My fuel would get to 50% in an hour or so.

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Ok, I donā€™t know then.

You know I saw this post and figured it was a user error (no offense Iā€™ve messed up fuel before) but I am currently flying a KC10 and I put 6 hours of fuel in for a 4 hour flight and Iā€™m currently 23 min out with 13 min of fuel left.

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Also I had a headwind of 50-60 kts for a little bit but it went away, and I was at FL300. I also had a very little amount of cargo

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so i always add 3-4 hours extra fuel during long flights

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Iā€™m very angry with the 77W. I loaded 17 hours of fuel to to Dubai-Houston and I ended up diverting to KSAW due to low fuel. I had 30 mins of fuel left.

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Iā€™m hoping fuel changes will come with the next 777 update

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probably high head wind and heavy payload

I have actual fuel numbers for the 77W that I tested at M.84 at various weights for each FL. The OP is flying to high, but still, should not have came close to running out of fuel in a normal situation (granted he was doing .83 but that should not make a big difference).

Only things I can think of are spoilers, flaps and turning off an engine.

Iā€™ve flown countless hours with the 77W and Iā€™ve never had any problem whatsoever just following what simbrief gives me. Oddā€¦

Well at least a rework is incoming which will probably Ā« fix Ā» this problem if this is an actual issue

Me too @anon79353067

Yeah @Manilaflyer

Hmm, this seems weird. I recommend you use fuel calculations app or you can use thatā€™s what I use for my fuel calculation.

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Thank you so much

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No problem!