Private Callsign Matrix

Private Callsign Matrix

Having created this topic:
What is your private callsign and why?

I have collated your kind responses and now can finally present the list of private callsigns used by pilots in the live arena.

Please use this matrix to identify pilots from live to the forum. I will make this post a wiki so anyone can amend and add as they please. Any issues let me know and I can amend also.

Click to view callsigns

2345 - N868DB or N824JB or 239BO
A350fan - A350FAN and G-ZYSA
A400 - G-RAFX
Aaron.C - C-FAMC
AdamCallow – M-AGIC
Adam_Macaulay - N1ADAM
Adrien – HB-ZRH
A-Fitzgerald - A-FITZ
AFKLM_Alexandre - AFKLM264 or F-HPPL
AggieAirlines - AGGIE
airbavaria - D-ABAV
Airbus_737 - Airbus 737
Airwolf - N44XC
airjonathan1 - PJ-AJ1
Alex5060- NA2EX
alex_kyte - GOOSE1
Alplr - TC1923
Alpster - TC-AAK
Altaria55 - ALT55 or AVVA-001
Amaar_Viqar - EYV001
American232 - AMERICAN 232
Ameru187 - C-S268 or or (Prefix) 268
Annoymouse115 – G-AWBS
AppleOneGT – A-ONE
Ash_Rand - VH-AKR
AsianalIFVA – EP-ASI
AtomicHerbster4 - (Airline) 6 38
Aussie_Cockatoo - VH-TAC
Aussie_Wombat - WOMBAT
Avali_Pilot - A-VALI
Avgeekproductions - AVGKPRO
AviationMad - AVM
Aviator_Airbus – AV1TR-A
Awoodbay- AWOODN1
Ayush_Mathur - ANM
azeeuwnl – PH-ADZ and PH-TDZ
Azure - N824TX/N824XR/BLUESKY
B747fan - VT-JGA and B747FAN
B767fan – G-Z4CH
B777fan - VH-TSV
B787fan - B787FAN and G-ASYZ
badzer - N219DV
BAH242 – BAH242
Ben - BODE
bensonb - N463MC
Bev7787 – B-IRB
Bfinley1255 – N38BF
Big_Elijah - GREENDAY
Blently - N093BA and EC-BAM
Blizzard – N475UA
Blu_Games - Blue One 16/BLU116
BluePanda900 – BP900
Bobby – N1BK
bobo2345 - N824JB
Boeing747-8 - PR-PRB
Boeing773ER - VH-ZWE
Boodz_G - N192JW
Buccaneer – HAWKWIND
Bulba – BU176M
Butter_Boi - LLL001
Brandon_Kreuter - B-K1419
calsy2311 - N23CD
CameronH21 - SkyFly (Flight #)
CaptAC - N9AC
Captain_A- C-APTAIN
Captain_Ahmad - N6-ADA or [Airline] 300
Captain_Alexander - FlashJet-279 or AEO-777
Captain_Awerty - AWR04LP
CaptainBarney - B1RDY
Captain_Hoss - VH-HOSS or IFAE11
Captain-Daniel - N023DO
Captain_Ed - ED-CPT
Captain_JR - S291RJ
Captain_Matt – CAPT-M
Captain_Rojas - N1HR
CaptainPlanet - (airline) 420
Captain Zen-Swiss 1
CannedAviation - N929CA
Carrots4luke1 - C4L1
CasaAviation - D-CA15
Cbro4 - N236BR/(airline) 7
Charles_L - VH-CLM
Chatta 290 - (Chatta
Cheryl_Tunt - SKYTUNT
Chief305 - 305
Chris1010 - C-SNOOPY
Chris_Hoover - KYLO-REN
Chris_Wing - HB-CHW
Christian_Glass - N22JL
Calib_Wilson - VH-MYY
Clint_Maurer - N13TX8
CO99 - G-CO99
Connor4477 - G-C4477
Contrailer - LN-ALX
Colin_Bondi - COCO1967 or (Airline) 1967
Cpt_Alpha32 - C-ALFA
CS_Aus_TB20GT - CS1
Czechoslovaki - C-ZAR
Daniel_Cerritos - N123IF/ESA123IF/AV001
Daniel14 - DANNY
David_Lockwood – G-ERTI
Deaf - N7DEAF/G-DEAF/D-DEAF OR (Airline) 795
Declan_O - D-3CO
DeltaCRJ-900 – N172MN
Dez - GC41MX
Dommo209 - N223DE
D_Gee – N822JX
Declan_Moody - PH-CCA
Doonies - N492JG
dush19 - D-USH
Dylan_M - N372DM
DylanHK - N-HK
Ecoops_123 - EC-123
Edivan_dcds - EMD-NL
ekolaziale - ID-ekolaziale
Emil - N241DK
epaga - D4711E
ErenTD - (Airline) 2741 or TC-ETD
ErikBuiten - (Airline) 159
ErikC17 - SCW911
EthanT2 - C-ETHM
Everything_Matthew - N1017M
ewanfleming - G-EJFX
Extherial - N1473B
FC-DeltaAviation - XA-ULI or (Airline) 17
FedEx9149 - N530QB or (Airline) 9149
Felip_Garcia - AND01ST
FlyFi - N709DF
Flying-J – N172ER
Flying_Luc - NHOPE1
Flying_Pencil - P-ENCIL
FlyerN926HY - KL-926
Freddiefrogs - G-FROG
Fynn – VH-FJ1
Gabe_Z - FBA005 or *G-ZAGO
Gavin_Hertel - N288DL
Gavrillo – EQ420
GiacomoLaw – G-BZEA
George-Flack β€”G-FLAC
Ghost_pilot - N12WS
Goran12 - G-AVLH or TFC-015
Grady_Herbert- N20GH
GraemePorter25 - Porter 25
Guitarlvo – 1301
Henrik – H-BERG
hi15td-HI15TD and N356DR and 5529W
Hymenopus_Coronatus - N843TI
Ian_Farquharson - *N387QM or FARKIE1
IceBlue- G-ICEY or G-EWAN
IF515 - IF515 or Infinite Flight 515
IFGP_Group-Lewis - G-CCLJ
Imran - NED2390
Infinite2674- Infinite 2674 YT or (AIRLINE) 2674
Infinite.Flight – American 508
InfiniteNick - MR-NICK
Infinite_Flight_Sims - Corporate 007 or GOVO 001
insertusernamehere - G-JOHN or (AIRLINE) 179
ItsBlitz - G-CAMO
ItzEhs - LN-EHS
J9J9T - J9-T09
JA802T - JA802T or N404NF
Jack_Q - N24320
Jack Daniels - NEO
JacksonC – IF151
JacksonAviation - N354BF
jakcharvat - CSA31NT
jakevaz423 - N423JV, UVA-001, or [Airline] 423
Jakub_Astary - J-AKUB
Jaquille_Ajb - VH-7360
Jan – KLM 8 7 6 9
jdag2004 - (Airline) 1874
Jeffrey1o2 - (airline) 102 or N102JR
Jeremy_H - N190FA
JerryC - Test Flight 36 or (Airline) 36
Jet_Airways_995 - (Airline) 995
JFKflyer1 - **BUTTER
Jochen - N85JB
Joereilly77 - N236MJ
Jon_H - TC-JON or G-JONH or N184JH
Joshua Fleming -JJF2101
Joshua_Wentailor - (Airline) 208 or ASRIUM
John001 - N846 GA
JRRAviation – NJRR20
Justin_Chan - JCEC1617
Karl Luebs - KL-926
Kenfre02 – LN-KAF or (Airline) 1372
kenwei - aceoface
Kevin- N262EW or N262W
KevinMc88 – K3VMC
Kevin_Potthast - N145KP or (Airline) 145
Kevinsoto1502 - N15KS
kevirtual - 9V-DKB
Kyriakos_Papasavas – BS77KP
Kirito_77 – KR77-N1
KizzyJet – K-3
KiwisFlying – ZK-NOP
Ksisky - N132KS
Kyle.Plane - (Airline) 0203 or KYLE
Kyle.r24 - SLOTH
L.A.Aviation - N558LA
LachyRobertson - VH-ROB
LaroseRoyce - LasVegas
Laura - N1TG or N2TG
Laura_Murphy - TF-ISK
Lamborghini_Life - L-AMBO
Lance_Boyd - N0KW
Lars_Thorein - D-LT
Leah - SunDown
Lesage - HB-LSG
Lgsfly - N419LK
Liam_Kirk - LK-DSA
Liam_Purcell – G-LIAM
LimaPapa_Victor - 805
Loudon16 – GH-O99
Louis – LOUIS
Louiisorr - BEEMOVIE
Lucas_Brien - N685DW or N603WM
Luke_M – VH-QJX
Luke_Sta - N217BX
MacGamer04 – N266TV
MacGyver - RLGY1K
Mai123 - MIAONE16
MaksimFerguson - N264MC
Manc_Yankβ€” SA24
Marc - MARC
MarcelloM – I-M11
Martijn_Decates - PH-17MD
Massimo_Murgida – VH-139M
Mats_Edvin_Aaro – LN-TFK
Matt737 - N13MA
Matt - G-MJEX
Matt_Croatia001 - HAM
Matthew_Hromek - MRH306 and IFAEFIVE
Mattia_Bordoni – BMXP
Maxim - VP-MAX
MaximV - G-MXVB
Mell_ljzerman - N645KO
mgjr83 - MGJ83
Michael_McMurray - N0F3AR/Speedbird 284/AAVA0058
MishaCamp – G-MISH
MisterButler - LITTY or (airline) 6969
Mix56awesome – NJAN56
MJhendo - ZK-MJH
Moritz - D-MBBY
MrMrMan - N4EM
mrpidgeon - GEMD
Mubashir – MU-BA
mwe2187 - DLVA2187 or MWE2187
N881RA – N0316AG
Narruto_Mieumieu - TP01
Nate_Schneller – N4TE
Nathan – N617NH
Nathan_Burton - NB87UP
Neeson52 - V-NEO
NeperQiell - ZA-MVA
NetJets_Nick - N91QS
Nichalas_Petranek - K1295NP
Nicochile2 - NEL003
Nico4571 - G-NCD1
Ninetales - K4
NismoKits - N-KT0
NonBinarySkyYT - NBSYT
NoNo45_FR - F-NO4H
Norshuttle909 – 127
Northwest - (Airline) 1
Octoberr - N0CT or MH05
OiseauPlume – HB-OPL
OJFam - G-OJFAM or (Airline) 555
Ollie – O-LLIE
oscar_mur - EI-O5M
Owain Gβ€” OC23G
Owen_Anderson - N-1626OA or (Airline) 1626
Padi3_14 - N977JP
Patrick_U - N15PU
Pandu_Margi - Batik 2 1 2 1
Panther - PAN-TH3R
personmajig - CDX
PiloteerFrankie - N2JT
PlaneCrazy - N202PC
Pilotcorn - KELPIE or TSV4EVER
Plane_geek_101 - JAY-636
Plane-Train-TV- N179PT
Potato_pilot– ZK-NOP
PocketAviation - SKJ01
puma30498 - HI790
Qantas737guy - N228NW or (airline) 228
Reese - N952SE
Riley - N1R9D
Robertdiaz123 - ROB
Robyx- ECRBX and Europa 87
Rodney_Buckland - IFC-01
Rowdy_Kepler - N2DV or (Airline) 15 67 or G-KEPLER
RTG113 – N113RG
R_Jordanian - JY-BAC or JY-RJK
Salute7 - Salute7
Samet_Ozturk – N71QC
Sam_S - N24SAM
Sam_K - Down Under
Schyllberg – Rogue One
Scott_Ellis_Paddon - IFAEEURO, FANTA and SC07T
Seb2104 – Y904WA
Shaydox - Show-Me 18 and EAV01
SimpleWaffles - Fraction 0
SingaporeAirlines - 9V-SMB and 9V-SYL
Sir_Baller - S-BLLR VEVO1
Sky’sTheLimit87- GLA617 and ANV002
Smokeysama - Smokey
Snow_Cone - C-NILD
SouthwestFan - [Airline] 297
Speedbird203- N458BJ
Spencer_Chapman - XYZ1284
Stevenwalker109 - SJW02
Stryder - N1STR and IFP Stryder
Suhas_Jatla - N245NH or GITRDONE or DADGUM
Swiss188 - N188TK
SWNelson - G-BFEK
TaipeiGuru - T-AIPEI
Tajay - N-TJ04 or N1TW or M-ILK
Tecnam2TA – N81W
TheFlyingPancake - (Country Registration Prefix)-AUZ or P-ANCAKE
TheCoolPilot - ANT-MAN1
TheOtherOnesMika - N060304B
therealbobison - N710PP
TheWalkingFruit - F-RUIT
Thomas - SEAGULL
ThomasThePro - T-HOMAS
Thomas_G - Nasa 1
Thomas_Ralph - N1TR and G-EGPK
Tish - N1YZ
TripleOne – JB111
Trio - N623KB
Tombom777 – N2783F
Tom_Grollman - Corporate 211
tomthetankβ€” T-ANK
Tyler_Shelton β€” N1TJ
UPS747 - N582DC or DELTA 275
USA007 - N67KG
VAnuj β€” (Prefix) - 007
Vasanth_Maarie - N172BD
Will_A - N644S
William_armstrong N172FW
Wolffan21 - G-WOLF/ESCORT001
Wren_Jango - WTJ001
Wyn2x - PR001
Xpheros - EJS
Xpira – N5RM
2003iggy - Z-IGGY


Excellent work, keep it up. :)


This list is going to be helpful for when I need to find players.


I was awstruck for a good 5 minutes trying to figure out how he got my private call sign. Then I realized it’s in my profile, and then I realized that I posted it in that topic.


Whilst my call sign might be private or even airline related, I always fly with my forum name as well…cant hide anywhere!


I feel cool being on a list :D


You might have said it but it took me a long time to figure it out as well. I guess we both said it πŸ˜‚.
Dam good job bro. Very impressed. You have some time ad dedication that’s hard to come by. Keep it up.


I think that instead of just typing who Belinda to which call sign, you should tag them


Can only tag 10 users per post, wouldn’t be fair mate!


Thank you mate, took a while, but the post was well needed!!


You have permission to add mine: N102JR

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Mind putting mine on there?


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Add mine please? N977JP

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Added them @Padi3_14 @Aussie_Wombat @Jeffrey1o2


Add mine please? N1RG

Awesome! Thankyou very much!

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Can’t you all edit it?

Can we? I don’t know…

Is there a green box in the top right hand corner of the post?

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Ah yes, I did not know about this! Thank you very much!

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