Pre-Planned taxi route (Players choose)

Hey everyone! This is my first feature request so if I make any mistakes bear with me!

This Pre-Planned taxi route would be a great new feature that could enhance realism. Let me tell you why: As a person who relies on FlightRadar24 to create flight plans, I try to make the flight as realistic as possible by using the same taxi route as the real world one I’m replicating. But there’s one problem: some airports are way too big and complex to navigate through easily. This would mean that you’re gonna have to keep looking back on FlightRadar24 to see if you’re in the right path and keep constantly doing that. This would be exhausting, and you’re hearing this from a player who’s had to do this multiple times before.

Now sometimes it isn’t just about FlightRadar24, a pre-planned taxi route could make things easier for you to if you’re on the run and want things done quickly. With the pre-planned taxi route, you can choose your own points so you can taxi as quick and easy as possible to the runway.

I don’t want this feature to be just for your departure airports, this feature should also be usable while making a flight plan to your DESTINATION airport’s gate! This would ALSO enhance realism because if you’re recreating a real world flight (from FlightRadar24) and want an easy taxi to that real world gate, this’d do the trick!

Now I get this MAY cause ATC problems because ATC now has that option where they can choose the points for players to taxi on, but there should be this thing where ATC gets to see the players pre-planned taxi route (same as how they can see your flight plan) and they can choose if the player’s taxi route is fine to use. If it isn’t, ATC can just simply ignore their taxi route and choose points for them (which will automatically take out the route they made on the map). Maybe even IF could add a custom misc message where ATC can say that your planned taxi route is not accepted or something idk.

Summary: This feature will enhance realism especially to those who want to recreate real world flights effortlessly. And if you’re simply just someone who wants to get out of the airport as quick as possible and want the quickest taxi route, vote on this feature and your life will be so much easier ;)

Definitely think that this would be an immensely beneficial addition to the game, but I’m out of votes. Would love to see this implemented, as it would make IFATC’s life so much easier, especially when the airport is super crowded.

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This could be useful, EWR comes to mind as they routinely use the intersection of Whiskey for 22R departures…in IF we’re almost always told to take full length. Obviously not a huge deal, but for the sake of realism I wish we had more say.

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This is a great idea, it’s very useful especially for navigating large airports and it also makes IF more realistic. I definitely support this, you have my vote!!

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