Post Your ForeFlight Recap! (2024)


I know we have some real world pilots on here (myself included) (instrument-rated commercial certificate, and almost a CFI)

This is the place to post your ForeFlight recap or any other recap of flights you’ve flown as a pilot (no airline flights as a passenger)

Here’s mine:


absolutely no one has a recap to post?

No idea how lol

Did my instrument rating this year


Go to ForeFlight on the website and there’s a button that says something like “Recap 2024”

Dude that’s awesome

I wanna fly something besides a 172

Pretty soon I’ll be going for my commercial multi rating so I’ll be in the Seminole which is exciting.

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I guarantee you this would’ve been a lot more filled in if I didn’t have to stop flying for 3 months to get life figured out.

On the verge of my solo endorsement.