Server: Expert
Region: Denver, CO
Airports: KDEN- KASE
Time: 1400 Zulu- 1500Z
Aircraft: aircraft INCLUDING the new 787 for those who want to show it off. However and PLEASE REMEMBER no big aircraft for KASE! None bigger then the A321 or Boing 757 if you plan on completing the flight to KASE
Concourse A:
Gate A24: Kisky
Gate A25: Jompa
Gate A26: sk28
Gate A27: Kyle_Plane
Gate A28: @MishaCamp
Gate A29: leQuestions
Gate A30: Infinite.Flight
Gate A31: jasonrosewell
Gate A32: @AviatorThaddeus
Gate A33: Tylang4
Gate A34: Lin_yifan
Concourse B:
Gate B18: @Jay757
Gate B20: @MJL
Gate B21: @g100m
Gate B22: @David_Hopkins
Gate B23: @Mohammed_Abu_Omar
Gate B24: @NeperQiell
Gate B24:
Gate B25
NOTAM: The event starts precisely at 1400Z tomorrow. Pushback is at 1410 if possible. Wait for “Frontier Flight 508” to request pushback. Once I have been cleared everyone can start their own preparations for pushback. The first aircraft should start departing (hopefully) around that same time. Jason will also be a part of this so do give respect to him!
Just put in the comments below if you can join and which gate you will take. My good friend Jompa is coming out with a surprise too to assist in this.
Thank you Mark for making the podcast what it is :)
The one year aniversery is just in a couple of days (to my knowledge) and I am making a flight to celebrate the anniversery of my favorite podcast. If you could change your display name to “PODCAST 1YEAR” also.
Needs to be in the proper live events format to be in that category.
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My apologies. Thank you to who edited it.
In this thread I would like to see some hopefuls ;) need some pilots for this flight.
Anyone interested just tell me.
And now I have gate assignments as well as dates and times. I’m not entirely sure how to do Zulu time but I tried putting it.
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Want me to change it for you? 3:30pm Zulu right? Changed it :)
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Thank you so much :) I do appreciate that
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If I did the Zulu time correct that’s Friday 5th at 2 pm Zulu time
I will also need some controllers. Of course for approach if @JoshFly8 😏 Any other controllers for KDEN and nearby airports would be awesome.
@stevenwalker109 @Emil_Broe @dush19 @Tristin_Woolf
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I might come
In my sexy 787
Haha okay for you I will alter the rule and let you come in ;) I’ll put you down as Gate A29 but if you decide not to just pm me and I can remove you @leQuestions
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I thought the 787 is smaller then the a380
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My mistake you are correct.
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I switched up the gate names guys so please pay attention to that. (Edit Reason: The gates were assembled oddly and I hadn’t accounted for the correct numbers. So it’s Gates A24…etc)
Does the 787 require ‘heavy’ in the callsign?
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Um I would say yes but I’m not sure. (Are you able to join) 😅
Proudly announcing…Jason has agreed to participate in this Anniversery flight in memory of his FlightCast!!! How awesome is that of him??? With the head of the podcast in this has reached a feverish height in my respective opinion 😊
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