Playing on a chromebook

Hi I am new here and i have a acer chromebook 14 and I want to know if IF will work on it with a keybord?

It is a mobile game…
So I don’t know how you want to play it on a chromebook…


there is this third party app called live flight (or live connect) that you could possibly use I am not sure if it will work on chrome or not

IF is a mobile app requiring an android or IOS mobile phone. You cannot play on any form of laptop only stream your phones screen to it if you wish

I know that chromebooks are capable of running apps from the google play store. However I think you’ll only be able to run it successfully if your chromebook is a touch screen device. And even if, I am not sure if your chromebook is equipped with a gyroscope.

Hi @elal_001!

You can indeed download and play Infinite Flight on your Chromebook. If you bind your keyboard to different functions in IF in the settings menu, they could work.

Please do be aware the Infinite Flight is not supported to be run on Chromebooks. While yes, it is possible, you will not receive official support for it.

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Chromebooks are not currently supported. As of version 19.4, emulators are not supported. As a Chromebook emulates a version of Android to allow app compatibility, you will find that it is unable to download and launch the application. In the rare case you can get it to install, you may find it to run poorly or crash intermittently.

There are currently no plans to reinstate support as IF is intended to be a purely mobile simulator

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ok thank you.

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