Pilot _tommie's Radar Tracking Thread - [CLOSED]

Hello peeps, I’m training for my ATC radar exam, and want to get as much training sessions as possible. So you guys from the best flight sim community ever can help me.

If you want to help me just react here and I can add you to a ‘‘ping’’ list when I open an airport to train my radar skills.



Today 20:30Z LOWW Training server

Hi @pilot_tommie feel fee to add me to the ping list. Good luck with your training!

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Thanks NorWin! Will do

Add me to the ping list!

Sure, will do. thanks

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@NorWin @aatogamer this evening from 20:30Z I will be online for 30 minutes for radar service training at LOWW. Come join to do some patterns!

training server

will add a message here for tomorrow what time and which location!


Hey, @pilot_tommie ! Feel free to add me to the ping list. Good luck on your training!

will do, I’m open now at LOWW. Will close soon, but if you want you can do one pattern

hey im on final for my ES flight. I can spawn in 5 mins

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hey, I’m about too close, tomorrow another time. will update you when I know the time


Feedback Tomjet 111II


  • would have preferred higher initial alt for a higher GS
  • 6nm DW
  • 3k ft is pretty high for that distance but works fine
  • give 90 degree base turns instead of that 60 degree garbage
  • no TYGD. Twice. This is unacceptable.

Other than the missing TYGDs, great.

bruh haha, here you have your TYGD

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Hello. Still open?

I’m on my way

Oops. I’ve seen that you closed now. Sorry 😅

No not open haha, forgot to change the title to closed. Tomorrow a new sesh