Took these after the KMDW Flyout, I was flying from MDW-BUF
Expert Server, 15:00Z, 737-800 Southwest Airlines to KBUF
Parked at the Gate!
Lined up:
After I departed, a mysterious A-10 showed up.
Landing at BUF! (I floated down the rwy for a while due to some gusty crosswinds)
Nice! I got 25 minutes left in my flight
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I see that mysterious Porter Airlines Q400! Very gusty landing in Toronto City. That A10 was something else lol
Same here, it was a 20kt wind with 30kt gusts
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That porter Q400 is a real flight, I once operated that route.
He did not mean it in that sense. He was the one flying the Q400
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yeah ik its a real flight, thats what i was flying