RickG was flying over Turkey, I followed him with an f16 jet, here are the images
And landing photo
poor guy cant even fly in peace
:) No escape RickG ❤️
Erm actually, you’re way too close to him therefore making this a traffic conflict, and he’s a moderator so he could technically report you for not maintaining a safe distance from other aircraft in the air. ☝️🤓
I had already risked this risk when he was going to him and there was no collision. ☠️
The photo below belongs to the moment I was closest to, I changed the heading as the distance approached.
Still way too close lol.
If I was being stalked by a f16, id rather have it be a proper escort
Rick was probably squawking 7500 on accident
It can’t even be called closeness, and I wasn’t around to do acrobatic movements, my only goal was to browse and examine it closely, you’ll understand if you look at the photos below.
Hello! Nice pictures, but they are against the Screenshots and Videos rules ;)
Nice photos! But: