Philippine Airlines A321neo

Philippine Airlines A321neo

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About Philippine Airlines

Philippine Airlines is Philippines flag carrier. Its hub is located in Manila, the capital of Philippines. In the fleet are a total of 67 aircraft, including the a320, a330, a350 ,777 and the new a321neo.

I think this A321neo livery should be added if the A320neo family is added in the future, as it is a stunning livery and it will open a big amount of different routes for the IFC to try out and enjoy.

Thank you for reading my feature request, and if you feel the same way as I do about this awesome a321neo livery, please don’t hesitate to vote. Thank you again!


@IFPHGOFFICIAL get your team out and vote for this thing!


Lol thanks dude, I was nearly going to @ him into the request 😂


I’ll share it in our Facebook page. 👌🏽🙏🏽


Isnt there already an philippines a321?

Refer to the NEO ;).

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Yes yes yes please! This is flown to Sydney during low peak instead of the tri-class A330-300. Would’ve loved to fly this plane back in June when I flew the 330 (but it was delivered more recently). Oldest airline in Asia too! Definitely need this livery when the neo is in IF.

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Oh I see you like it, but no vote… hmmm… 🤔

Just kidding Ed, 😉 she is a beauty isn’t she

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If I remove votes I will loose them (previously a regular)


I know it’s not the time yet to vote this livery, but if 2 of my vote successfully added to infinite flight timeline, I will vote for this livery even though IF doesn’t have a plan yet to add A320NEO family.

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