New to the forum, apologies if this is meant to go elsewhere but I’m excited for tomorrow’s ORD IFATC staffing. New to IF, started around the beginning of the year and I happen to live right on the 28C approach to Ohare, right at the SEIKA waypoint. Get to see some cool hardware float over my house!
I dug up some routes with some of my favorite IF planes for tomorrow, and figured I’d share in case anyone else was interested! These are mostly short hops, with a few medium and one long haul.
Obviously there’s many more with other aircraft, but hopefully some of you find this useful.
Other quick fun ones to do are FAR-MSP (DAL 739), DLH-MSP (Skywest E175), and Delta’s shortest route, RST-MSP, at 17 minutes on Skywest’s E175 or CRJ-900.
Thanks for the welcome! Doing Air Canada from Toronto, American from Dallas, Delta from Minneapolis, and maybe a few more. Hoping the winds are right for the 28C approach.