I am an avid player for IF and have been an active member in the community and network for the past 7 years. I strongly interested in pursuing a career in data science and/or aviation/aerospace. I have strong background knowledge and experience in CAD/CFD and design technology.
Hence, I am curious if IF hosts any volunteering opportunities for participants in the community to engage and learn more in any disciplines, especially in airport/aircraft design and development. Should I reach out to a specific member of the team? If anyone has any information or other sources regarding initiatives opportunities for IF, I would love to hear them.
I am open to anything, small or big, for contributing to IF.
Yeah… the editing team more so uses the tools developers have built to then create 3D airports. It’s not development. However it’s still a great new part of Infinite Flight that I’d encourage everyone to try out if they’re interested.
I don’t see why you couldn’t reach out to someone on the staff team if you’re interested in sending a resume/CV, their inboxes are open.
You should contact some staff member for help on this, you seem like you will be a good member of thr 3D team. The airport editing team is just a volunteering team.
Thank you! I have had an avid passion for commercial aviation since childhood and have done plenty of volunteering, professor research in data science, and internships - 3D editing of aircrafts would be an amazing experience. Aerospace engineering is definitely a career I wish to pursue.
I have connected and now a few of the moderators and staff but do you know who would be best to contact and their email? This is very much appreciated. Thank you!
If you are seriously considering enquiring about joining the Infinite Flight Team, your best bet is probably to message Cameron (I won’t tag, cause tagging staff is… bleh). Cameron is someone who may be able to help you out, given the projects he works on, although they don’t completely overlap with your skillset. Cameron is very approachable, so don’t be shy. :)