Off topic discussions about IF

This could be tricky, people don’t appreciate my devil may care attitude ;)

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Hence why it is not being closed currently. We have no desire to close something the community like (for example the A320 thread). This is where the fine line between allowing something that bends the forum rules or not comes into play that we have to make a collective call on. This is why I said it is being discussed ((:


Looking at my stats I should be a regular user haha. Damn flags!! This is for people who aren’t regulars and should be able to have a place to chat about IF and life around IF in general without being flagged. Thanks for joining in the conversation.


i ever dont understand how you can watch who was flagging you?

You cant unfortunately, if you could and there was a pattern you might be able to do something about it

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i’m being flagged 14 times since my subscription to this forum (17.08)

Why not a new category like “Non-Av” ?

The problem here is that there is already an off topic section; the lounge. At the moment it’s seen as a privilege to be in there as you are a regular contributor, follow the rules etc. So to be allowed off topic posts, you first have to follow the forum rules.

Admittedly sometimes it would be nice for everyone to be able to just chat and get to know each other more broadly. However you can use PM for that until you get into the lounge.


Yeah I like the Lounge. It’s exclusive and well-mannered people there. But after some time the whole forum is in the Lounge so what’s the point of it?

if i start a PM “Lougne (non-regulars)” with all the contributors of this topic, going against forum rules?

This is a duplicate topic

No you can PM whoever you want:)

not really i thing…

we talk about a thread, not a category… very similar, but not the same thing.

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Yes but did someone actually make the thread. Let us have it?

Its an ok idea but anyone can jump in here

Surprised this hasn’t been proposed yet. A quick search of the Meta category revealed nothing so I assume that it doesn’t exist yet.

Anyway, with lots of conversations going off topic, perhaps it would be good to have a category for all of this to filter into/provide an outlet for these kinds of conversations? Could it reduce the need to go off topic in a topic?

This isn’t a forum that exists just to chat about topics not pertaining to the URL, but could an off-topic category be useful?

General? Doesn’t that count?

General is a category for general discussion about Infinite Flight.

Personally, I don’t think so. It’s an IF forum after all, not an everything forum. :)

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A lot of forums do you have an off-topic category.

That’s the problem I see with the proposal, it’s not an “everything” forum as you put it.

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