NOV9 I Light up VZAU


This is part 1 of 22 of a series where IFATC (unofficially and based off availability) will staff up a control region in the United States for two hours. This can include multiple airports, approaches, and centers. All for one reason. You.

With that being said, our first region will be ZAU.

ZAU is also known as the Chicago Air Route Traffic Control Center and is in control of some major airports, such as KMKE, KMDW, and of course… KORD.

Details :

General Information

Date : 11/09/2024
Time 0200z - 0400z
Airports : Any ZAU airport.
Server : Expert


We are not responsible for any violations caused, fly appropriately. Use CTAF frequencies as needed. Do not mention or ping members of IFATC asking them to staff this event.

Airport List

These are the top 20 airports, that does not mean however that you can not fly into another one.

  1. KORD
  2. KMDW
  3. KGYY
  4. KPWK
  5. KDPA
  6. KRFD
  7. KMKE
  8. KSBN
  9. KLAN
  10. KBMI
  11. KFWA
  12. KAZO
  13. KPIA
  14. KBLV
  15. KEVV
  16. KIOW
  17. KMLI
  18. KCID
  19. KATW
Attending ATC


Have Fun!

OP requested closing.