I recently passed my written exam to become IFATC and would love to get some feedback and
practice before I attempt the practical test. If anyone wants to join my ping list, please reply, i’ll probably be controlling at least one Session a day. Thanks!
Server: Training
Status: CLOSED
Controlling: Tower and Ground
Ping List:
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Server: Training
Status: CLOSED
Controlling: Tower and Ground
Ping List:
- Rwy change, i was still on left base, enter left base would be more preferable rather than enter straight in.
Overall, good session, only thing to remember was “Ready to taxi” means i’m requesting taxi to rwy, should’ve reply with instruction to taxi me to the active rwy, not parking… thanks for having me, best of luck!
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I just passed my Practical, thanks for all the help.
Just saw this tracking thread after I flew into EGLL when you were controlling. I don’t have anything specific other than I didn’t notice anything bad, and congratulations!
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