Not able to pushback

I have my beacon lights off, all service equipment is away, and my parking brake is released. This is the 2nd time this happened to me. I am in an Air India B788 at C39 in LOWW.

Each time I try to push it blocks it by saying I haven’t released my parking brake or disabled the service vehicles, even though I have done both. This time a respawn also hasn’t helped.

iPad Pro 2018
Newest iPadOS

It’s the same as in here, but that topic was closed.

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This is a known issue then and the devs are probably trying to fix it if it has happened to 2 or more people like this.

They weren’t able to reproduce it though.

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Then they may be checking it out now.

Try reconnecting and disconnecting the equipment again. We’ve seen a few “odd” corner cases with this but the number of occurrences are extremely low.


Alright, I will set the flight back up.


Looks like you came across a good support guy. Hope you get it fixed!

It has worked now on the first try after rejoining (for the second time). I sadly can’t say if I did something different, but most important: it works again.

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I think you did. They key is to take it slow. We’ve seen a few cases where double tapping or tapping too quickly on things can cause this.

Wait until all services are backed out and disappears etc.


That might very well be the issue. I will be more patient the next time! Thank you for helping out!