Hi, I haven’t had any violations in over a year and when I check my stats is says 0 violation. When I check my aircraft on the LiveFlight app,it still says 4 violations and not 0 where it should be. When other gamers click on me on Infinite Flight it still show 4 violations and not no where it should be. Can you take off the 4 violations that were made over a year ago and put it back to zero?
Bummer, Non stop Dan has zero violations if you click on him seeing him on Infinite flight even though in the past he had violations before. I don’t understand how his were removed to show zero and I can’t get mine removed even when I was grade 5 of a long time…
Or he created a new account.
But in all honesty, we’ve all received violations at some point. Own up to them. No point in trying to hide past mistakes.
My suggestion for the future is remove violations in the future after a year where no one can see them. That’s all I ask and maybe we can all do a vote on that! Thanks
I believe he’s referring to Dan, the IF staff member, not Nonstop Dan. And how since he’s a staff member, he “non stop” has zero violations, so he’s asking why non-staff members can’t have their violations removed like that.
Well, saying on thing and referring to another makes things quite difficult for the one reading or listening.
But i can say this;
We and other testers often mess around with our own stats for testing purposes. Sometimes we’re required to acquire an inhumane amount of violations to test things. And those are then removed. Sometimes a “Select all” occurs.
In a way I agree like it dosent matter for 4 violations. I’m new and I don’t mind if I have a few on my stats. Even some staff have violations I don’t see how it’s a big deal.