Hello everyone, my question is to address the pilot who does not respect the instructions of the controllers on the training server, why are you doing the same if we are not yet IFATC, we have a little right to respect sometimes even so This is completely abused. And I have a second concern why the IFATC supervisors don’t come to the servers to see the good controls or take controls to train them on those, thank you.
True. Pilots nowdays have no respect at all. Feel like they’re trying to troll with little to no consequences. Casual and Training servers are no different, why does Training even exist if people aren’t using it to train?
You can say the thought of thinking about tagging someone who linked the app to Community is unprofessional and I’m not going to tag them—to be clear.
Though, I’m controlling KIAH. I have FR pulled up and watched and was watching arrivals and departures for a couple minutes, look up the digital ATIS—updated less than 10 minutes from the request/5 minutes into controlling, and listen to ATIS on LiveATC.
Side note: While on ES lately on recent arrivals into airports there are a few instances where arrivals and departures were opposite of real world and users are having to deal with tailwind arrivals.
- Prior to even a request to pushback: I send pushback approved to 33R,
- Users acknowledges, but proceeds to request 26L.
[User Pushes]
- I send taxi to 33R prior to request to taxi.
- User proceeds to request taxi to 26L.
- User requests permission to cross 26L multiple times without pause, BUT surprisingly holds sort of 26L.
The response from IFATC wouldn’t be, “Please check ATIS…,” would it?
This is why I stopped controlling training server. People just simply don’t listen
Unfortunately if we did that, there would be nobody left on the training server!! lol
Explains why there’s twice as many people on ES than TS and even CS combined…
ATC should have the response option to deny requests. Like when pilit requests a runway that’s not in-used, we can then deny saying “Unable” or “Negative” then the automatic fukl message sent would follow up with “Unable, please request a different runway”