Night Lighting

With this new hot fix did the add better night lighting because it seem different from that horrendous other version before the hot fix or


Did they add better lighting?

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They did make the lighting brighter aswell in cockpits I figured.

But because of this it seems like it’s not even dark like it Dosent look dark anymore just bright and dark combined but more brighter I personally don’t like it I don’t think it’s „Better Lightning“.

If they finally did lights reflection on ground and aircraft’s and better realistic looking lights it would still be better lightning while being dark and feel more realistic.

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I notice something like this too (unsure if we’re talking about the same thing).

Sometimes night time appears brighter, sometimes it’s still too dark that I can’t see a thing (therefore can’t play ‘real time’)

Someone mentioned it’s the moon after the update, but idk. Maybe it’s the airport, irdk. But yeah sometimes it appears nighttimes are brighter.


Yep I can barely see the runway and taxiway at night
I can’t seethe centerline

It’s because of the moon people…


If that’s the case then I hope there’s always a full moon or smth.

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Nope there better lighting

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Interesting because the hot fix doesn’t say anything about lighting… it’s simply the moon being full 😭

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But the moon is also a light source so in a way there’s still better lighting

It never looks like night since the Update what some call “Better Lighting”

It’s not better lighting… the moon has always been like this

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No ot has not theres a dffrence before the hotfix i have phot proof or taking the night flight before the hot fix and after the moon lightning is brighter

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It’s called a moon cycle