Nice Day for Spotting @KSAN

Hello everyone!

I took a few days off to go down to San Diego for a small vacation. So here are some shots from a short spotting trip I took to the San Diego Airport.

Enjoy the photos!

Alaska E175 from Seattle

Biggest plane I spotted, United 777-200 from Dulles

Delta A321 from Minneapolis

Southwest 737-MAX8 through the power lines

American A321 from Philadelphia

Thanks for viewing


Great shots as always @Butter575

Thanks! Happy cakeday ;)

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You called?

I knew I would summon you because I said Minneapolis 😉

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my best friends sister is coming there today from CLT i think. I’ll be there soon (like in a month)

where do you spot at? i want to know when i come

i’m also going to try to get on the 777 that flys from IAD-SAN cause i’ll be flying out of ORF

I usually spot on the intersection of Curlew and Union Streets (Coordinates: 32.72903° N, 117.16767° W). I have also heard of some good parking structures such as the Aladdin Airport Parking which are also good for spotting.

I rarely spot in San Diego so those are the only two places I know to spot, but I’m sure there are some other spots that are much better that I’m not aware of

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I have a 6th sense for any and all mentions of the Upper Midwest and Sun Country Airlines.


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Hmm. I see.
I took the bait. I had to mention it, right??
I live in VA so ye.

No problem, thanks!!

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