Hello IFC,
At JFK you may know that there are a limited amount of gates suitable for the A380-800, I was trying to do a flight from New York to Dubai on the A380 and there were no gates. This is acceptable if all other A380 gates are being used bye A380s but for all of these gates there were a320s and 737s. This means that people wanting to fly the a380 cannot. I just wanted to make this aware so that maybe in the future airports with not many a380 gates can have it reserved for that aircraft type. Sorry to sound annoying,
Hi Ben,
You bring up a valid concern, and I understand how frustrating it can be to not find a gate suitable for the A380. It gets amplified at airports like JFK, where there are only a limited number of A380-compatible gates.
Smaller aircraft do use A380 gates IRL so in my opinion restricting the A380 gates to only A380s/747-8s is the wrong solution. However the issue you described then becomes an unfortunate consequence of traffic levels in Infinite Flight at the hub being far higher than in real life.
I donβt think there should be a restriction to people spawning at these gates, that would probably be a bit too fiddly to add and there would undoubtedly be issues with it -
but perhaps if the request a specific parking gate system is expanded so that ATC can give a gate regardless of whether a pilot requests it or not, they can then send smaller aircraft to smaller gates, leaving the large gates as free as is feasibly possible.
Thanks for your help! Merry Christmas π
Merry Christmas to you too!