4 more till 25!
Bump! Imagine flying this to Punta Gorda from Islip, Stewart, Syracuse, or basically anywhere!
Yes still would love to see this added, Bellinghams entire route network is on the A319 aswell as alot of other flights!
Bump with KBLI on the way to becoming 3D would love to see this livery added for flights to BLI, as well for a lot of other routes across the US!!
I would love to see this in the game!! It would make my Idaho falls flights sooo much better 😆
I was literally about to post a bump for BLI!
Since SWA is pulling out of BLI soon we need this livery or else all we’ll have is the Alaska E175 to SEA.
Bump. We need this in the next update.
Yess we do, it will be perfect for when KBLI is 3D!!
Let’s bump this one more time…
Yessss! I love this livery! It would be awesome to have a bigger Allegiant fleet!
Imagine getting this along with the Max 8-200. You’ll have 3 different planes to use for airline flights and charter flights
Yeah that would be insane!
Nice livery , sorry but I am out of votes!
Would be amazing to have the entire Fleet in IF all we need is the A319 and Max 8-200!!
Little Bump! now that KBLI is 3D perfect livery for this airport!!
Bump Time Again! Would love to have whole Allegiant Air fleet, All we need is the A319 and the Max 8 200!