Nevry11’s ATC Tracking Thread - [Closed]@n/a

Tysm I had great fun I’ll add you to my ping list and we could do it again some time

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Server: Training
Tower and ground
Takeoff 23R Landing 23L
✅ Pattern work
✅ Touch and gos

Ping List


Thanks to everyone who came

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Hey, seemed to go better this time and had some more pattern traffic.

  • Only comment was on the sequencing, remember that if there are more than one aircraft inbound for a given runway, that each but the first aircraft needs a sequence. For instance, on my second pattern, I should have been given number 2, traffic to follow on right downwind. Also note if you give sequences, you can often avoid more directions. For instance, on my last pattern could have just sequenced me number 2 behind traffic on left downwind, then I would be responsible for separation (rather than extending me downwind). In a busy airspace, calling my base could be easy to forget.

Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for the feedback it’s good to see that I’m improving thank you for coming I really appreciate it

Feedback OH-AAT


  • sorry for the double request, but as you probably realised, you have to give a “taxi to runway XX”, a " follow aircraft ahead" is not enough

No issues in the first 2 patterns, good work.

3rd pattern

  • you gave me another clearance, which is not needed. Instead you should give me a sequence (“number 2, traffic to follow is on left base”). This removes the need to give me an “extend downwind” as I have to follow the sequence
  • “turn base” was late

4th pattern

  • exit runway was a little early (aim for 60-80 knots)
  • “expedite, traffic on final” was probably not needed since traffic was so far away

Overall, excellent! It’s shocking how much you’ve improved in the last few days! I still see 2 things that need practice though:

  • remember to give sequences always when there’s more than one aircraft for a runway, and update them as needed
  • I have noticed a common mistake among many new controllers: they are not aware how much time they have between two aircraft. They move way slower than many expects.

Thanks for the session!


Thanks very much for the feedback hopefully we could do it again sometime to practice sequencing thanks for being there

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Server: Training
Takeoff 28L Landing 28R
Tower and Ground
✅Pattern work
✅Touch and Go’s

Ping list



Thanks to everyone who came

If you guys have any feedback let me know

Towerand ground
Takeoff 23R Landing 23R
Server Training
✅Pattern work
✅Touch and Go’s
✅Runway changes

Ping List


Sorry, just saw this. Are you going to close soon? No worries if so, I can just join next time.

Ya sorry I’ll be closing in abt 5 mins

No worries, will try and catch it next time

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Thanks to everyone that came

Server Training
**Tower and Ground **
✅Touch and gos
✅pattern work
✅runway changes

Ping list


Moving to EIDW
Tower and ground

Hey, I will join you now. Would you mind moving to another location with different scenery another time? Dublin looks boring from above. Maybe LEPA, LFMN, LFML…

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Sure give me a list and I could go through it

Thanks to everyone who joined