
Hello! who knows this because so much and it still doesn’t work, I have a server error problem, how can I help myself to solve this?

Hey there! This should be in Support

According to Seb in this topic just a short time ago - Infinite flight server down? - they aren’t seeing any issues right now.

Try restarting your internet - it worked for the other guy.

It will be fixed by turning wifi off and on, captain.

I have seen it once, I had to save the game mid flight turn my phone off fully then restarted it, and then restarted the game and it fix it for me.

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Can reproduce: Samsung Galaxy Tab S9+

I have had this problem for a while. While connected with five full bars sometimes the status symbol just turn red. This can happen a few times while in a flight. The only solution is to reconnect to the Internet and then it turns green. Its pretty annoying but wanted to inform in case of investigation.

On a side note, the Internet at home is pretty powerful with speeds and latency being pretty good. The problem is between the device and the IF servers as I have noticed. It sometimes helps with restart of the tablet but not always.

And aslo the status symbol of IF will be showing the reconnection symbol until I turn off the Wi-Fi on my tablet.

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