If landing speed was called out and it gets adjusted to fix the bugs and stuff a little would be very helpful because when we are trying to butter we have to flare on… well… there aren’t even callouts but right before we touch the ground we have to flare to try and butter but it always end in a big float or a go around so we usually have to slam it down.
There’s not an in app function that calls out landing speeds, but you can get IFAssistant (unfortunately, it’s not free).
Oh! I never knew that.
It’s not terribly expensive, like $4 I think.
Welcome to the community though @CaptainErich! Let us know if there is anything we can do for you!
But also I wish like for at least 5-10 seconds we can keep the flare while still descending at the appropriate pace.
IFAssistant calls out altitudes (500, 400, etc), minimums, and “retard” on Airbuses, which indicate to you that you should begin to flare. An easy way to get a feel for altitude with your landings is to use the HUD mode (it can be overlayed into cockpit view).
Thank you!!!
Wait I’m partially new to Infinite Flight I’ve been doing it for a year but what is HUD.
flare when the boeing calls 10ft or when youre called a retard by an airbus. Look at the end of the runway to judge better the flare.
The speeds, you can find them in the performance page in simbrief.
Also try to modify your controls settings
Welcome to the community! CaptainErich
Practice using the FPV (small circle in HUD view) to get a sense of the no-bounce landing:
If you touch down just as you raise the FPV right onto the horizon, you can’t bounce (unless you are very overspeed).
Judging if your speed is ok?:
If you have good control over moving your FPV up or down, speed should be roughly right.
step 1: FPV pointed down to your touchdown location (direction of travel)
step 2: FPV moved carefully in the flair to hug the horizon (zero vertical speed)
Use power carefully to maintain step 1 and 2.
You can also try app infinite passengers for call outs and i 5hink less expensive than IFassistant
Its only $2.9
also if you usee APPR that helps
but remember it wont activate if the load capacity is MLW which wont work. if it is green where you will see for weight options itll activate
Leave it to the European aircraft to verbally abuse you when landing
Just get the plane on the ground and avoid destroying the gear or your passengers
thanks sorry i just had a brain fart for a moment i guess.
thanks! the airbus callouts are absolute classics lol
Hahhaaa lol!