Need help with ATIS

I am on final approach at UUWW with gear down ready to land after I was cleared to land on runway 19 and atc controller That goes by the name Piazza announces that Atis information is now current. I check Atis immediately because I thought that was what we were supposed to do and find out landing runway is no longer runway 19 but 24 is now the landing runway so I abort my landing and tune to tower frequency again to request permission to land on runway 24 but he says please don’t transmit duplicate messages followed by instructing me to land in runway 19 which was no longer a landing runway according to Atis info.

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Are we supposed to take the risk of landing in a runway that is no longer a landing runway according to Atis info?

Contact @Piazza for clarification

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If I were on final with wheels down I would have continued. No need to go around due to new ATIS if you were on a stabilized approach and landing conditions were good.


Thanks for reaching out! You were cleared to land already 8-9NM out. As you immediately switched to ATIS freq after notifying of atis change, I sent a broadcast notifying of a runway change. You were the last aircraft in the line landing on that specific runway. Feel free to PM me @sabine for further clarification. You behaved correctly :)


I have to say i love this thread. No one directly says go to PM the controller, and this is also knowledge for other people who might face this in the future!

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Yeah maybe I would have landed despite the atis change. Just check before landing the tower, if it says you to abort landing just do that otherwise land.
But however I think IF should add the option to talk to the controller, like this pilots should be able to manage easily flights operation


Hello @sabine
If you are already cleared to land just go on, unless the tower tells you to execute a missed approach and further circuit insertion instructions.
Blue skies :)


It’s not really a risk. If the controller wants you to change to the new runway they have to tell you specifically (on tower, this is done with a pattern entry, eg enter right base runway 24)

Personally I wouldn’t leave tower to get the new atis when on final, and probably not often on base either, it just doesn’t provide much info:

new runways? The controller will either give me a pattern entry to the new one, or let me land with the old.
Wind? On the hud already
Other misc announcements? Generally not relevant to landing aircraft.


Handled via PM