hey guys i just wanted to show my setup
this is all i got💔 ignore the stuff in the background pls
physical picture in picture mode
what do u mean?
you know like when you have a video player in the corner of your screen while doing something else? you basically did this but physically
OHHH i did that on my phone only like 1 month ago but i forgot i had a computer so now im using it so time goes faster while flying
AHAHAHAHA YEAH true, Very cool idea tho!!
love the heinz ketchup bottle
My setup is so good that I don’t even have anything to take a picture of it
Lol i stole my sisters phone to do the pic so same
at least you didnt steal her ketchup
If you like it then you should’ve put a ring on it
never she cries like a baby if i steal her favorite things
Why u singing lol
i do it the other way around … but i hear ya! whatever works!
Wait if on computer?
no i have infinite flight running with a movie in a small square, other way around! Ipad
Ohh alright