My game crashes too often

I’ll try that.

I am also reinstalling my app most of the time when my storage fills up. It keeps crashing when using it after a while. Restarting your iPad is also recommended before every flight.

Even if the model is the same, the way it’s been used is most likely not. The more time passes, the more different they will perform depending on past usage.


Do you have many apps running in the backround?

Nope. I close all apps before and do a soft reset before.

Okay… Is your ipad updated to the lastest ios version?

Yeah, it is.

Then i dont now

Me neither.

Hasn’t Scyllberg solved the issue already? Also, take a look into the device capabilities for more info. 👇


Would it then be a good practice to re-install the IF app every so many months?

He meant device slows down over time. When the first devices gets released it comes with diff OS then what he has over time with so many updates and fixes. And memory degradation happens aswell, all memery blocks has life cycle same as battery…and with more background stuffs quickly runs out blocks. There are many things. Device will go bad over time easily. Not necessarily app at fault.

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