Hi, at what time of the day (zulu time) is ATC most active on the expert server? Just asking because I’ve noticing there are times when there are nearly no airports from the schedule with ATC controllers. I’m just trying to plan my long haul flights around the ATC schedule but most of the time end up landing with no ATC even though the day has not ended. I live in California so the next ATC day should start at 11pm (0600Z my time). Just trying to gather some data to plan.
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Generally, I’d say the busiest time of day for your time zone (and mine, as a fellow Californian) is in the morning. Most of the activity happens during the North American and European daytime, so this is when they overlap.
Usually, I’ll land my long hauls around 8-9AM (1500-1600Z), and there will be a fair amount of traffic in the region. The evenings can be tough to predict, unfortunately.
Usually the most busiest time on the ES, is when most of North America wakes up (NA).
I live in Europe and whenever approach my destination, the traffic isn’t that busy.
In India it is 9 pm to 12 pm perfect 👌