Morrisville to Dulles (Fedex MD-11F Cargo Haul)

This going to be my last S/V post for 2024, a very good way to wrap things up, and continuing the journey at the same time, flight was my favourite type as usual which is cargo hauling with @Astralis (99VG) such a fun program within the VA where i’m in… Please your eyes with these stunning morning departure shots!

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Ft: A couple of mins.

Taxiing to rwy.

Lining up, as 99VG rolling for takeoff.

Lined up and monitoring separation, while 99VG rotating outta Morrisville.

Cruising at FL290 somewhere above the USA land.

After a couple of mins in the air, finally touched down firmly as 99VG taxiing to the cargo ramp.

Unloading all the cargo, and we’re ready for the next one! Thanks for stopping by, and happy new year y’all!


You could’ve Cruised 30000ft, nvm but great topic

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Erm actually the airport represents Raleigh and Durham🤓 thought it is in Morrisville, which is outside Raleigh

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