Chesterfield (CTF) and the Florence (FLO) VORs are missing.
Coords for CTF: 34.6505000 -80.2749167
Coords for FLO: 34.2329722 -79.6571667
Chesterfield (CTF) and the Florence (FLO) VORs are missing.
Coords for CTF: 34.6505000 -80.2749167
Coords for FLO: 34.2329722 -79.6571667
Someone got off course…
Link from an official website plz
Henrik and Sean aren’t the only NAV Editors ;)
Those are the only ones I know
is official enough?
Maybe if you showed up here more often people would know you.
Can’t say the same about you…
Misinterpreted that.
I know @DavidCutler is one IIRC, @Henrik and @Swang007 are usually active. Sorry David ;)
Carson please. I’m here 25/8.
Where can I buy extra hours? I’m in desperate need.
Do you have the missing data? I can’t find it.