Today, during my vacation, i saw a MIG21 classic plane:
Where did you take your vacation?
I went to Europe in France and saw a little museum
You mean France in Europe 😏? But cool place to take a vacation. It looked like the USA.
Yeah in EU, it’s kinda looks like home USA i agree
It looks like an old missile but not a fighter jet 🌚
An absolute beauty of a fighter jet. Too bad it is mostly retired in Europe. I miss seeing it during airshows.
Yeah what a miss…
A very interesting aerodynamic design
Are you sure that’s not a Sukhoi Fitter?
This is a MIG21 lol, they are very similar
oh, I have a book to cold war aircraft, and I frequently mix them up😅
Yes me too, somes are very similar i agree
Not a jet powered warplane person but big WW2 guy. That’s a MiG-21 fulcrum tho I think.
you mean Fishbed, right? Fulcrum is the Mig 29
Yeah. I keep getting my migs mixed up!
Fulcrum, fishbed, mig15bis,
I should play more war thunder tbh
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