The MD-88 was first ordered and delivered to Delta Airlines in 1987 a MD-82. The MD-88 has a max cruising speed at 574 MPH (498.792 Kt).
The MD-88 was first ordered and delivered to Delta Airlines in 1987 a MD-82. The MD-88 has a max cruising speed at 574 MPH (498.792 Kt).
Yes it is.
It’s the MD-80 family, not MD-88 family :).
Otherwise, terrific idea! Flown on quite a few DL MD-88s and would love to get my hands on those Pratts instead of the RRs for the 717s.
Love the long cigar engines on the aircraft, and the DL livery suits it perfectly!
Love the biliography too
Actually you are allowed 1 picture in a feature request. “No more than 1 picture per feature request (preferably in the initial post)” as said here:
But besides that, bumping this back up because I’d love to see this family of aircraft in IF. We need more rear mounted engine planes.
This was before they changed that ;)
Oh I thought it was always like that. Oh sorry Mason:)
I love the MD-80 Family and would love to fly them in IF.
Mad Dogs, why not? :D
Flying on the MD-88 is actually pretty comfortable, I have flown from BWI-ATL a few times in them. The Wifi and upgraded interiors make for a enjoyable ride, especially toward the front. Delta had upgraded the interiors on them not too long ago and it was much newer and nicer than the MD-90 and 757’s I have flown on so far. Love the Md-88!
Mad dog!! Love this aircraft, the first airplane I ever went on.
I’m sure the MD-80 will happen at some point :)
Don’t forget that the 717 is related to the family
Yes please!!! We need this! I love the MD-80s
Alaska had some and they were great “untill flight 261” but would be great in IF
I support the MD-80 family!
We need this! (In my opinion)
I’m back after months and months of no activity! The md-88 is becoming slowly outdated though. The chances of the devs creating this is getting slimmer and slimmer.
Would love to see mad dogs in the game
love that idea. Livery’s id love to see are delta, Reno air, american, and northwest orient.
Would love to fly it.